Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Past Present Future

Okay. So i've decided that when people start getting older/into more serious relationships they don't see all the people they used to as much. Mind you i never really saw much of a lot of people except for Kate, and Sara... Now i don't get to see Kate as much... (Kate your really the only one who pays attention to this... I'll call you more I promise)
any way i suppose it's sort of the natural way things go, you get older, start spending time with who your with, and have the occational night out with your friends. I think that kinda sucks. oh well.
on a better note. Two weekends ago was the big trip to edmonton with the girls (minus Jessica unfortunately) and I think it was a big success, we went out and did what we do best. Shopped. lol and walked around Whyte ave. It was pretty spectacular.
Last weekend was spent with Morgans parents in Love. Sk. That was also good. I suppose it's a really good thing that I like his parents. Well... the one's i've met any ways. He continues to spoil me with pretty much everything. Mind you I get my shots in when I can.
Finally to the future. I'm going to school in the fall so I"ve started part time at work, and I"m going BACK to edmonton this weekend for my cousin's wedding! Congrats Jen! and then I don't know. I think after that It's aug long... so any suggestions would be GRRRREAT!! althought i think i may have to go camping with my family but we shall see what is what.
Now FINALLY the end... people need to... I dunno... ya I"ve really got nothing. I'm going to the Ex, and taking Morgan with me. any one else is welcome to join us. I don't have any idea what else i'm only working mon, tues, wed now so gimme a ring a ding.
When we dance you have a way with me, stay with me, sway me more!

Friday, June 29, 2007

I'm alive... and slightly pissed.

alright now that it's been a rediculous amout of time that i have updated i figured i would do so. I moved home because I'm taking hotel and restaruant management in the fall. Thats pretty much it. It's been pretty tame mainly because I haven't seen any of the regular people I did before but I guess thats okay.

The real issue on my mind really is thats stupid freaking war in Iraq. why? Because a few weeks ago when 3 canadians were killed in that bombing (I know there's one every day almost) but one of them was my cousin. Mind you I hadn't seen him since I was around 2 but that's not really the point.

The point is will the war ever stop? most likely not. Is it doing much of anything? most likely not. Again keep in mind I don't really keep track of what is happening over there, I would try and follow it but the same thing happens almost every day and nothing really changes. ANYWAY! I say stop sending people over to get killed and let Iraq do whatever. There is always going to be something like that happening somewhere. You can't controle it, and maybe it's like all the bacteria and such... one day a super bug/evil will come about then we will all be fucked.

Yep. that's it. That's all... I haven't any more.

let it go. there is no way you can save it now. get back in line, let the city keep burning!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Um... ya.

Okay... I know it's been a while guys but it'll be better soon. I promise. So onto the big big news. I am going back to school in the fall. I know. It's a shocker, and it's true. I was accepted into SIAST for the Hotel and Restaruant Managemant course. I'm pretty much in shock still.
Other than that it's been pretty tame, I'm still going out with Morgan (it's a grand total of 3 months now) I'm still working at marriott. I moved in with Curtis and Tam, just to move out right away because of school.
Thats really all I have. I just figured out all deserved a bit of an update since it's been so freakin long. Honestly I kinda miss living at home... The fixed rent, the free food, the laundry being done all the time at the same time, I'm going to miss living on my own when that time comes. But I think having money before school comes first. So naturally I think i'm going to be moving home within the next month or so. At least i'll still have my TV to keep me company. ;)
Other than that I think that I miss you guys. I've seen Sara more than any one. So I think I need to start making some phone calls. I miss you Kate, and even Alexander even though I randomly saw him while Morgan and I were out for supper. That and I wanna see Kate's new addition! You'll be glad to know that since i've been living with the two at Tam's I affectionatly call little terds, I'm not so alergic!!
thats it thats all. get the f*** out my house.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Undeniable luck

Sitting at work, watching movies, texting so i don't get bored. That was the beginning of my day. Then standing around talking to the representatives who came in from the Orange County area talking about the cool things that are down there. They are all pretty cool, making random jokes about the things in the area.

The best part of having people come in from out of town, is the things that they bring with them. Usually it's only something from around the area. Chocolate, wine, things of that nature. I guess the wonderful people from the O.C. have electronics in their area. ha. xbox 360, playstation 2's, DVD players, a 32" TV with built in dvd player, and my new baby... a 37" LCD flat screen tv...

Honestly I couldn't sit still, I walked around the rest of my day which was about 20 at work with this giant smile on my face, and i couldn't stand still. call it undeniable luck, good karma whatever you wish. I call it awesome. Those are the days to remember, those are the days that people should live for, and cherish.

Mind you it'll just become a part of my every day life style, and eventually forget how i got it... but until that happens... that tv is... AWESOME!!

They slap you like a bitch and you take it like a whore

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Behavioral issues.

Okay. I'm going to make this short because I need to go to bed soon. Mostly about people and the way they are around certain people. In social settings if you don't like some one you just don't talk to them, or you say something like "hi" and your done? Then the rest of the people go out of their way to avoid you at the cost of some one else. The middle man. I've been the middle man, most of you have been the middle man. So why do we need this person?

This person is a mutual friend of two people who aren't friends. Now most of the time it's cool and you all just go out and not really socalise with the person you don't like. So why is it that it's the middle man's job to keep the peace?

Now some of you know what i'm talking about because of what happened this weekend. For thsoe of you who don't i'm not going to go into detail because thats definatly not how i roll. (and yes i did just say "thats how I roll) But personally I have no problem with the other person, but I have a problem with them being around I can't see my friends. Sure they are leaving in a few days but why can't we all just get along till that happens and go our seperate ways after?

I guess the main thing I don't understand about the whole issue is why some people are the way they are. I know i'm asking a lot here but really. Just because you don't like some one, and granted there are times when really that dislike is more of a strong dislike of even a hate, but for the times it's not can't you just suck it up and get over it for a night, or a few hours? Does everything have to be that way?

I dunno thats just the way I am....

It's a wednesday.

Okay... since Kate went on a little bit of a rant about how no one updates... Ya that's ever so true. I will admit to well not updating as much as I used to. In part because we didn't have a computer here for a while, then I went to calgary, then to vegas, and now I'm working a later shift. Well it's time to get back into the groove even though hardly any one reads mine. oh well...

wait, wait! I hear people wanting something... MEEEE!!!!

Happy feet was a typical disney movie. Started off slow with the story line, then got into the funny stuff in the middle with the tap dancing penguin. mostly I just liked it because the midget penguins were pretty damned funny.

Now to address the weekend issue... This weekend was full of a few twists. Friday Sara and I went to the Scuz. Then oddly enough ran into nailpolish and his friends and ultimately went to DIVA'S. Okay so it's not all that I thought it was. It's more of a traditional club, everything is a remix, there are only a few gay pride banners at the roof, and every one dances. To sum it up in a word... Awesome. Now would I ever go there just by myself? No.

Moving on to saturday. Katie and I went on a pub crawl which was the Blue Balls Crawl, then later got re-named the Shitty Ass Bar pub crawl. It started at Ryle's, then to the OD, and finally to Jaxx. When I got back to the Pat where it started some guy I named JT (because he reminded me of Justin Timberlake) kept hitting on me so I peaced out after telling him I was going to the washroom.

Sunday I went over to my Grandparents it being Easter Sunday and all, then Nickel and I came back to my place and we watched a movie. That was basically the entire night. Hanging out with my cousin and a little later Morgan.

I found the light in the tunnel at the end...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there...

Okay well my trip to Las Vegas has definately come and gone. To sum up that trip. Fairly awesome. It definately reach orgasmic experience standards but that was just because I couldn't drink... or well drink. I don't really care to gamble.

Other than that it was fantastic. A lot of walking mind you but thats okay. I saw some pretty fantastic things. You all know that I like things that sparkle and shine, and that is that city is all about. On the first few days it was walking around and shopping. Which I am perfectly alright with.
After that we went to Mesquite. Which really kinda sucked ass. The age in that place was either 80, 50, or 12. Mind you there were maybe 10 people in that entire place (not including staff) that wasn't that age. So me and my cousins sat in the hot tub, and ate candy. This was while the parental units were gambling or drinking their faces off. Mind you D-wayne did offer to buy me booze. I was already tired by then.

Finally the end of the trip we had to go back through Las Vegas to the airport, and on the way through D-wayne and I stopped at New York New York and went on the rollercoaster. That rocked my socks. Mainly because the people behind us were celebrating a graduation, and at the top of one part the lady yelled out "I JUST PISSED MYSELF!" finniest thing of the entire trip.

While we were going through the airport security I made the metal detector go off. So rather than have to stand there and take all of the bobbie pins out of my hair, because I had it pinned up, I just opted to be wanded... and let me tell you. The big black woman with the rubber gloves is suprisingly gentle.

Other than that nothing has really happened since I've been home. Juno weekend came and went, and I finally went to see TMNT. I loved it. Mainly because i'm a huge turtle fan. So some of you may not like it nearly as much, but what can you do.

Oh and for every one who is a little freaked out by turning 20 some time this year... It's not a big thing. Well at least for me it wasn't. I don't want to say that some of you won't take it worse than me but honestly it's just a birthday. Take a few deep breaths when your day comes. If that fails. Just celebrate your 19th birthday twice and go straight to 21. Thats when your legal in every part of the world.

Circle, circle. Dot, dot. I got my cootie shot! (uh huh)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Anger is my best friend

"Once in a life time I could feel this way" ... I wish... But no, that never happens. Ever. Considering how I am feeling right now. I know that it will happen over, and over, and over. It's not love, or admiration, or envy even. This would be much more interesting, this would be anger.

Honestly I feel like standing on my balcony and shouting out one hell of a string of profanities that would shock every one. I'll settle for just doing this. My day wasn't completely covered in a vial of red. It actually started off fairly good. Work wasn't filled with any overly stupid people, old people, or even the crazies who don't speak english. Then I went to the rentals house and had supper. Thats when things went wrong.

Trying to stay calm while talking to my mom lately has become harder and harder. Can you do this? Why haven't you done that yet? Are you going to... the list goes on and on... Even now I'm getting even worse thinking about it. Why do some people just know exactly what to say and what to do to make everything go wrong? Why do they feel the need to wreck a perfectly good day in a week that's already been hell? What... The... Fuck?

Drowning deep in my sea of loathing.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

It's alive/ What a day

Allllrighty then. We finally have the computer up and running so that it doesn't shut off every half hour or so. It's definately a good thing. But to the matter at hand.

It's been one of those days. Not the kind that really really sucks because everything goes wrong, and not one of those days thats been really good. It's been one of those days that started off good and got a little better then right near the end of the day it just goes to shit. I would rather have a day that is really good, or really bad, but not a day that's both.

It's usually because of some random event or some random person that the day goes to shit. For me it was the random person. That one person who usually is nice to you and usually things go well with everything between the two. Then there is the odd time where something just goes wrong. You say something or ask them something and then all of a sudden all you can do is want to punch them in the face.

Now that thats out of the way things are fairly good. It's been a pretty tame week/weekend really. Went with Morgan to see Ghost Rider on friday night and well I liked it, but him being sort of a comic book guy; it didn't live up to his expectaions. Saturday was at the Pat and it just kinda flew past. Took Sara, Mike, Morgan, and myself to McDicks. Then it was bed time and well just lounged around today and did laundry.

oh cause I'm just a girl in the world.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So a lady walked into the store and wanted some Sex...

okay so it's been a rediculously long time. I know but what can ya do.
Any ways quick up date. Kate and I officially have 2 couchs. Deffinately an improvement from the half a couch we had before. Love it.

Other than that it's been pretty standard. well... Except for Last weekend... Okay. Friday was Bens 20th b-day Pub crawl and well that was really kickin. It started at the Pat, then off to the Branch, the Scuz, and finally the Duece. The Pat was rediculously dead. Honestly there was only like 5 people in there, including the ones that worked there. So we went back to the Scuz and Jackie being the amazing person she is got us in for free, and pass the line.

Saturday was a little more "so it's Paturday" and what a night it was. We met a couple of really tall volly ball players from the u of s. Then well. I got tanked. I don't really remember anything after midnight except for little snippets. Then I puked in/on Sara's car. I feel really bad about that to. Though I did manage to get the window down looks like a little got on the inside. Sorry Sara... Then Sunday was a little rough cause I was really really hung over. But that was all said and done with by the time I went to see the rental units that afternoon.

Other than that it's same ol' same ol'. Chillin out after work. Eating, sleeping, hanging out with Morgan. Oh... Ya... I guess thats sorta new. Morgan and I are seeing each other again. I think he was in one of my posts... I think it was "oh no I dropped my meet"? maybe. Something around that, but yeah. It's been about 2 and a half weeks now. So we shall see how things go.

You made me want you and one and one became two...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A series of unfortunate events...

It's been a while. I blame the rap music. :D
As of late? Nothing particular. Moved out and thats about it. I've just been getting cozy at the cone... hah. But really. I'm either at work, chillin at the appartment or out. So in all thruths nothing has really changed except for the fact that I have to actually buy my own food now. Oh well I mostly did that anyways.
I'll try and just inform you on the moments from the last time I was on here... Lets see...
Okay, basically the first wednesday I was in the appartment I had who I shall call Shorty over. One thing led to another and we ended up making out. Big shocker. I know. lol Now I really wouldn't have mentioned this but it ties into a bigger picture. Now naturally because he's short I informed him that well... it wasn't nessesarily a one night thing. More like a 2 or 3 night thing. Well that friday Sara and I went to the Scuz. This is where things get interesting.
Unexpected Event One : At the scuz things were going good, we were dancing, there was a random creep we were avoiding. So there we were dancing with a random that was slowly becoming annoying, and I turned around and who was there... Constable Jeff. I hid on the dance floor from him. Sara told me later she said hi to him. Apparently it was wierd.
Unexpected Event Two: Then I was standing talking to Cousin #1. The same one I made out with on New years. So there we were standing there talking and then he says "You should stay at my place to night"
Unexpected Even Three: Walking around looking for Sara because I had lost her, who should I see but Shorty. Who by the way was acting like we were dating or close to it.
Unexpected Event Four: While dancing with one of the twins not really looking for Sara any more and he tells me that the other twin, Kelen, and Nailpoish are in line.
Unexpected Event Five: Seeing Nailpolish. Even though I knew he would be there it's actually different when I actually SAW him.
Unexpected Even Six: After dropping Sara off at home I went back to the apartment and was about to go to sleep when Brent calls. Then it was off to Cousin #1's house. I did stay there that night. lol in Sexy Erics bed. With Cousin #2. He stayed on his side, and me on mine.
Then well I could go on and on about last night at the Pat but I can pretty much sum it up really simply. It was amazing. Dancing, being drunk and just not caring.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
"I'll have a big mac meal with a big mac... and a 2 cheese burger meal with fries"
Your such a pro with pretty little lines...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Can't worry about tomorrows pain tonight.

alllrighty then. I know it's been a while. but this is what happens when you move out and don't have a computer. It's a pretty sweet deal really. Okay so I was cleaning out my room of all the random crap that I have collected over the years and I found this sign that I've had since about grade 9 or 10. I'm not to sure which one, but the sign says
tired of being harrased
by your stupid parents?
Move out, pay your own bills
while you still know
I thought it was hilarious. Mainly because well... I just moved out. Back to the point of my blog which is mostly just to keep you all up to date on what the fuck. Okay so last night was definatly the night of the Scuz. Everybody who could have cause conflict I knew was there. Brent, and Melody. Curtis W, and Ashley. Mike and me. Andrew B and me. Graham, and Nicole. Now I don't expect any of you but Sara to know who all of these people are. But thats not the point. Near the begining of the night it was good because it was just dancing and wandering around and being silly. Later on is when things got sticky.
Alright so was standing around hitting on Curtis W like I always do. lol one because I think it's funny to watch him debat with how much he likes my dad with how much he wants to do things with me. Fortunatly my dad wins out ever time. Except that night I suppose. He told me and Sara to come over to his place and drink with a few other people and we could just stay the night. Well I wanted to but naw. Brent and Ashley showed up and saved me from doing something that would have been really akward. Then Mike showed up. Naturally with The twins, and Kelen. I love those boys. So much fun. Except for Mike cause he sucks.
But between trying to avoid people in that place because it was packed like a can of sardeens, dancing, and trying to actually find people your looking for. It was nuts. But finaly Sara and I got outta there. I dropped her off and was laying in bed when Brent called. lol I went over drinking at the Washinski boys house. It was a pretty good time. Sat around talked with Ashley and got drunk. Then when I decided that I couldn't drive I crawled into Sexy Erics bed, with Chris. Now I know what your thinking. and No. he stuck to his side and me to mine. We even had two seperate blankets! :D. But definatly stayed up talking for a while. I didn't get to bed till around probably 5. then got woken up around 11am by my phone.... Then I went home, and here I am.
I left you in the morning so drunk on melow drama.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The thursday that was the Branch.

Okay so I lied and have a little time so I figured that I would make a random post about last night. What is so special about last night you ask? Well I went out with Curt, Tam, Poff, and April. Naturally we went to the Branch. It was a grand time early on with dancing with Gabe and such, I even saw Andrew Barron and danced with him even though he was sick but it was pretty splendiforous. Then April got kinda drunk and well was even more entertaining.

When April around and I may have mentioned I was looking for "a little hottie" well when she's sober it's mostly "Chellie your not allowed to! Boys are evil! Except mine." I laugh most of the time and go "okay" but when she gets drunk it turns into "Ohhh he's cute go talk to him, or just bump into him or something... GO Chellie! GO!" and I continue laughing at her. Then we go dancing.

So mostly that's what the night was. When the night was winding down around 1:30am, then I mostly was sitting with Tam people watching. So what do I see but this girl being so drunk that she honestly can't stand up on her own and was actually kinda sad. I had seen her a few times walking around and noticed she'd dropped her headband so I picked it up for her. Handed it to her, and she took an interest in standing with me. Lol till she noticed Curt then decided that well... She needed to drag him out on the floor. That was the funniest thing I have ever seen. She was trying to hit on him while being that drunk, and falling over. He was just trying to keep her standing.

On the way home naturally the first thing that had popped into everyone's head was McDonalds. Which then turned into Subway. How? I have no idea. But thats not the point. So there are Curt and Poff in Subway and ahead of them was these guys who looked pretty cute, so I called Curt because it almost looked like the one was fairly good looking, but wasn't sure if he had clear skin or not. Tams words. Honestly. So I call curt who's standing in subway and ask well he said it looked good on that front, then asked if he should give him my number. I laughed naturally but decided what was the worst that could happen. You should have seen that guys face when Curt walked up and started talking to him about it. Honestly I swear that made his night right there. Then that guy actually called about 5 min after he had left subway "to see if my brother had been bullshitting". His name is Windon, and he's supposed to call next weekend.

Little darling, welcome to the show!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

It may be a while.

Okay so seeing as how I'm going to be super buzy n such for the next like week or so I figured that now was a good time to make a new post. First, Constable Jeff is out of the picture. Second, I'm moving in with Kate on the 1st. Everyone is welcome to help us move (Bring your truck. Love that song) Third, I'm going to Calgary this weekend I hope if not then I won't be nearly as buzy as I thought I would be because well I'll have the entire weekend to get that done n such. Forth, If there is currently or going to be any serious drama. I take no sides I'm Switzerland, Although you are welcome to come over to the new place and chill with me as long as you give me at least 10min notice.
Alright now that thats out of the way I can actually do something random as per usual. Well I do have my thinking/pimpin hat on. The Fadora rocks you are all jealous. :D Kate and I went shopping for the few things we needed for the new place today and well it wasn't as much as I thought it would be. Mostly it was just the little things we didn't have and even then it didn't add up to that much. Considering we are getting a shit load of stuff from her grandma and will only need to get something like a slip cover it's pretty sweet.


I've been trying to keep buzy really with the move because I can't concentrate at work really. That happens when you randomly find out your grandpa has had a stroke the day before. Technically that was about 2 days ago. But still it's a shocker if nothing else. I suppose things will be just hunky dorry for the most part but well friggen hell. blah. Thats all i'm going to say.
Other than that... Things are fantastic. For the most part. My family isn't exactly thrilled I'm moving out. Well D-wayne was then I told him I was coming back and he said "Damn" . Lol But it's just like I keep telling them. It's something I need to do. Yes they have all done it and know that it's maybe not the best idea but fuck that noise somethings I actually need to know and do for myself. There. I'm done.
I like where we are, when we drive in your car. I like where we are. Here.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A night with a Constable...

Alllrighty since Kate basically demanded a new post here it is. Really I don't have much to say. Well that might just be a little bit of a lie. Okay here it is. Today being Saturday, the day after friday naturally I should have something to say about the weekend that just started right? right. and naturally I should tell you all right? ... right.

So as some of you know (most of you don't) I went out last night with "Constable Jeff" also known as Arnie, or Arnald. (I'm not actually sure how he spells his name) It was pretty low key because apparently he decided to take me out to supper and well I had a big lunch. Well... A big mac, and one kickin peice of cake. So I didn't really eat that much but I definatly had more fun just talking to him anyways. That guy is hilarous, and he drives a truck. Can it get any better? lol.

After supper I thought it would be cool to go see Kallie at McQuires... They were at O'shea's. I'm soo cool i get pubs mixed up! lol oh well Constable Jeff and I stayed and had a drink anyways because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Then after a few harassing phone calls from Greg Poz it was off to the Branch. Honestly. Don't ever go to the Branch on a friday night. It just plain sucks... Except for the two guys who stand by the pool tables and play that punching game where it measures how hard you can punch. One because they look rediculous, and two... They look rediculous.

Finally from the Branch it was off to the Hoze and Hydrant. Yes I did say Hello to Mr.Fantastic. the night did start to wind down after all the dancing and a little more drinking. Which I didn't do much of after the Branch because those shots were not sitting well. But then yes ladies and gentlemen it was time to go home around 2;30 am.

Just a few side notes. One Sara it was actually Greg who called you at 2am from my phone. lol. We were trying to get him to tap something. Your name came up. *Wink* Two Yes Kate and I are moving out together with Dana on his days off. I am also Tres excited! Three You should all try and hang out with cops. but I warn you "we are never off the clock" as a bar fight starts and they break it up faster than the bouncers.

Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Mellow Weekend.

So here I am sitting listening to Jacky J. (aka Jack Johnson) because he's mellow and that's just the kinda mood I'm in. Just kinda contemplating my weekend I suppose, going over the details, and the stupid things I/others did. All n all I would call it an average weekend.

Friday, I went over to Sara's expecting karaoke I was actually really disappointed when it didn't actually happen. I suppose those people who were involved in not going had their reasons but more often then not the group makes some sacrifice on one weekend or another to fit those needs of just one individual. anyways, Sara and I ended up going to the Scuz after we got Kate's text that it was boring at Gerrit's , and that she was leaving. When we did get to the Scuz, it was ok, nothing to exciting. Just kinda dancing around in clothes that weren't really meant for the bar. I would actually have to say the best part of the night was seeing "Constable Jeff" and his friend / andother officer of the law, Clay. Also seeing Aaron, Arlen, Phil, and Kelen. Best part of my night anyways.

Saturday was a little less productive, basically didn't do much of anything just chilled out and went on a pub crawl at 7. Now the people that were on the pub crawl weren't some of my favorites. I liked the people that I knew from work cept like 2, and a few others but the rest of the people... I thought I was going to get shanked from them. Honestly. The best part of that was going to Jaxx, minus all the old guys but they didn't really hit on you much they more just watched which I was very ok with.

Sunday I went and watched a mens basketball game. Mainly because a girl I work with is trying to set me up with this guy her b/f (who I also work with) which I wouldn't mind but get this... He's 28. ouch. Other than that a very nice guy, fairly good looking and all but still, 28. Not happening. So I ditched out right after the game was done saying I had to help my mom with supper because the grandparents were coming over (true by the way). That was good, after the pie and all. Grandma makes goooood pie. Then after a phone call from Sara, and Gabe they came over and we watched Out Cold. Good movie. lol Just one good sunday night all around.

That is why my weekend was just average, nothing special and definatly nothing to bad. More laid back then anything considering the cold n all. Really though I'm okay with that. With going to Calgary next weekend, and going to Vegas and area in march I can't exactly afford to go around spending a bunch of money going out.... Cept once and a while. lol
Can you feel a little love... Dream on. Dream on.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Oh so similar

Alllrighty then. So this sort of started Saturday when I once again went along with things before thinking. So Saturday while at the Pat and Sara was hitting on The bouncer i was for the most part of the night wandering around with some one I'll call the guy with cool hair well it seemed like a good idea at the time. Story of my life. I know.

Anyways! so naturally phone numbers were exchanged and well after talking to him shortly today on the phone realized something I seriously do not like. The guy with cool hair sounds/talks almost identically like my ex -boy who Alexander kindly named Nailpolish (Ps. I love this whole nick name thing.) So as you can image this isn't really helping the entire situation.

The entire reason Nailpolish and I broke up was because 1. he said i was average, and uncaring when it came to intellectual, and philosophical conversations. Not a good thing. 2. We had nothing in common. Which really bites because I really liked Nailpolish. but shit happens, move on. Still I can't help but wonder if the same thing would happen with The guy with cool hair. Mostly I'm going to stick with my last post and see if I can't work out just being friends with him because he is really cool, and maybe later things can develop.

Other than that little tid bit... I'm going to Las Vegas. Thats right Vegas. and I'm oh so very pumped! Mind you I know that I won't be able to drink or anything but thats okay. I wouldn't really do that around my parents, and extended family we are going with anyways. So who will all be going is my parents, myself, my cousin, aunt and uncle. Mind you my little cousin is only like 14. But she's pretty cool and she thinks I'm the shit naturally (even tho the little fart is smarter than I am... Books wise naturally. I'm "wiser") But ya i'll be going actually till the 29th or 30th of march, so naturally I'll be in Nevada for my birthday! then well... I guess i'll have to come back and party with you people on the weekend if need be. But ya. I'm pumped!! oh. And I go to calgary in like 2 weeks to see my new little cousin Amilia Bebbe.

Touchdown turnaround! I never see you around, anywhere anymore....

P.S Pubcrawl this saturday, the pat, 7pm, $10.
you're welcome to come!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Don't give up on me

Okay, so last night was a very good night all n all. Filled with dancing and such as per usual. Jackie is definatly awesome to go to the bar with! WOOP! anyways. I discovered something this afternoon thinking about last night. Well that's not entirely true. It was half last night at the bar, and half this after noon. I don't want to date any one right now.

I suppose you could say that I am tired of just getting swept up in the whole thing. I'm just kind of tired of it. Thinking things could work for longer than a week when really they won't. Mind you I'll still go out and have a good time n all, but I don't know if I'll go out and hit on every cute guy I see... Maybe just one or two. I think I would just rather chill out with my friends and not have worry about anything else.

With that will probably come with going out less durring the week and mostly just on the weekends. Unless it's for coffee or soemthing along those lines. Being simple is the name of the game now. Call it being tired, maturing, or whatever but thats what I want. That and the fact that I need to save money for school next fall, as well as the random trip for Jessica's birthday. Which by the way I'm totaly pumped for. Even though it's in june.

Good thing there's no mercy rule in love cause I would long be beat

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Welp, I am officially single. That happened a few nights ago after the "average, and uncaring" comment it sort of died. So naturally I'm actually better than I was before. I suppose I knew it was going to die eventually because well we don't really have anything in common. Actaully scratch that. We don't have anything in common. But it was a good run of a month and a bit with out any problems at all so really for me... Thumbs up!

Any ways I don't really have much to say but figured a new post was in order. Well ya. I don't have anything to say besides that work is now swamped and I don't have any downtime available so i can't go home which is good for mee! Overtime is a wonderful thing. On a work realated note some guy told me "You are the shit! opps! You're awesome" I just laughed and said thats what they pay me the not so big bucks for. He called me "Mate" aswell. Love the Ausies.

Any who the next few days should be jam packed. Tonight being thursday it's i suppose the Branch. Friday is Jordans birthday at the Pat, although I heard we were taking him to the Scuz anyways. and Saturday is well... Paturday. duh.

You can be my bad boy but understand that I don't need you again!

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Blues 2

No two shots are the same. That would be how much we started out with.

Well last night started out a little rough but after a while I just didn't care. Why? I was drunk. Now I'm going to apologize. Mainly because I was a mess last night and was off in my own little world. A very drunken world by the end of the night but my own little world just the same. I hope you all had a good new years!

I feel a sin comin on!