Thursday, April 12, 2007

Behavioral issues.

Okay. I'm going to make this short because I need to go to bed soon. Mostly about people and the way they are around certain people. In social settings if you don't like some one you just don't talk to them, or you say something like "hi" and your done? Then the rest of the people go out of their way to avoid you at the cost of some one else. The middle man. I've been the middle man, most of you have been the middle man. So why do we need this person?

This person is a mutual friend of two people who aren't friends. Now most of the time it's cool and you all just go out and not really socalise with the person you don't like. So why is it that it's the middle man's job to keep the peace?

Now some of you know what i'm talking about because of what happened this weekend. For thsoe of you who don't i'm not going to go into detail because thats definatly not how i roll. (and yes i did just say "thats how I roll) But personally I have no problem with the other person, but I have a problem with them being around I can't see my friends. Sure they are leaving in a few days but why can't we all just get along till that happens and go our seperate ways after?

I guess the main thing I don't understand about the whole issue is why some people are the way they are. I know i'm asking a lot here but really. Just because you don't like some one, and granted there are times when really that dislike is more of a strong dislike of even a hate, but for the times it's not can't you just suck it up and get over it for a night, or a few hours? Does everything have to be that way?

I dunno thats just the way I am....


Kate said...

I agree that this whole 'not going there because you're there' thing is retarded. I can be polite. In fact, if said person was really nice to me and apologized for the incident I would probably forgive her. But she has to be the one to take the first step. That is her preogative.

Jordan Diederichs said...

Uh Oh, drama that I haven't heard about maybe?

Whatever, I constantly force people into being the middle man, because so many people fucking piss me off.

I can be nice if I have to though... except for that one time that I wasn't, haha.

Anonymous said...

I know this is about me. I'm not stupid and i know you never said i was but i would like to make that clear. Anywho you know im over the drama bit of my life and im sorry thinngs ended how they did but if you do ask me. Well for instense Sara and i were hanging out with kyle as well last night when sara said do you want to go to michelles she is making pizza of coarse my reaction was we are driving around but michelle is more then welcome to come join us. I understand that you and sara are friends and i respect that 100% and i promise not to get in the way of it! Im sorry if you took it the wrong way i know i am leaving soon but im not here to start shit, heck im here to visit and say Hi, I will probably all see you out on friday as it is my last day and i would love to see you guys and say a nice hi, hello how are you?

Thanks you.

Anonymous said...

that is all

Anonymous said...

yha i dont think i have blogger anymore or i forget it so yup to anonymous

startsky said...

oh middle men.
and how i'm always one.