Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Past Present Future

Okay. So i've decided that when people start getting older/into more serious relationships they don't see all the people they used to as much. Mind you i never really saw much of a lot of people except for Kate, and Sara... Now i don't get to see Kate as much... (Kate your really the only one who pays attention to this... I'll call you more I promise)
any way i suppose it's sort of the natural way things go, you get older, start spending time with who your with, and have the occational night out with your friends. I think that kinda sucks. oh well.
on a better note. Two weekends ago was the big trip to edmonton with the girls (minus Jessica unfortunately) and I think it was a big success, we went out and did what we do best. Shopped. lol and walked around Whyte ave. It was pretty spectacular.
Last weekend was spent with Morgans parents in Love. Sk. That was also good. I suppose it's a really good thing that I like his parents. Well... the one's i've met any ways. He continues to spoil me with pretty much everything. Mind you I get my shots in when I can.
Finally to the future. I'm going to school in the fall so I"ve started part time at work, and I"m going BACK to edmonton this weekend for my cousin's wedding! Congrats Jen! and then I don't know. I think after that It's aug long... so any suggestions would be GRRRREAT!! althought i think i may have to go camping with my family but we shall see what is what.
Now FINALLY the end... people need to... I dunno... ya I"ve really got nothing. I'm going to the Ex, and taking Morgan with me. any one else is welcome to join us. I don't have any idea what else i'm only working mon, tues, wed now so gimme a ring a ding.
When we dance you have a way with me, stay with me, sway me more!

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