Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So a lady walked into the store and wanted some Sex...

okay so it's been a rediculously long time. I know but what can ya do.
Any ways quick up date. Kate and I officially have 2 couchs. Deffinately an improvement from the half a couch we had before. Love it.

Other than that it's been pretty standard. well... Except for Last weekend... Okay. Friday was Bens 20th b-day Pub crawl and well that was really kickin. It started at the Pat, then off to the Branch, the Scuz, and finally the Duece. The Pat was rediculously dead. Honestly there was only like 5 people in there, including the ones that worked there. So we went back to the Scuz and Jackie being the amazing person she is got us in for free, and pass the line.

Saturday was a little more "so it's Paturday" and what a night it was. We met a couple of really tall volly ball players from the u of s. Then well. I got tanked. I don't really remember anything after midnight except for little snippets. Then I puked in/on Sara's car. I feel really bad about that to. Though I did manage to get the window down looks like a little got on the inside. Sorry Sara... Then Sunday was a little rough cause I was really really hung over. But that was all said and done with by the time I went to see the rental units that afternoon.

Other than that it's same ol' same ol'. Chillin out after work. Eating, sleeping, hanging out with Morgan. Oh... Ya... I guess thats sorta new. Morgan and I are seeing each other again. I think he was in one of my posts... I think it was "oh no I dropped my meet"? maybe. Something around that, but yeah. It's been about 2 and a half weeks now. So we shall see how things go.

You made me want you and one and one became two...

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