Sunday, March 04, 2007

It's alive/ What a day

Allllrighty then. We finally have the computer up and running so that it doesn't shut off every half hour or so. It's definately a good thing. But to the matter at hand.

It's been one of those days. Not the kind that really really sucks because everything goes wrong, and not one of those days thats been really good. It's been one of those days that started off good and got a little better then right near the end of the day it just goes to shit. I would rather have a day that is really good, or really bad, but not a day that's both.

It's usually because of some random event or some random person that the day goes to shit. For me it was the random person. That one person who usually is nice to you and usually things go well with everything between the two. Then there is the odd time where something just goes wrong. You say something or ask them something and then all of a sudden all you can do is want to punch them in the face.

Now that thats out of the way things are fairly good. It's been a pretty tame week/weekend really. Went with Morgan to see Ghost Rider on friday night and well I liked it, but him being sort of a comic book guy; it didn't live up to his expectaions. Saturday was at the Pat and it just kinda flew past. Took Sara, Mike, Morgan, and myself to McDicks. Then it was bed time and well just lounged around today and did laundry.

oh cause I'm just a girl in the world.

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