Saturday, January 20, 2007

A night with a Constable...

Alllrighty since Kate basically demanded a new post here it is. Really I don't have much to say. Well that might just be a little bit of a lie. Okay here it is. Today being Saturday, the day after friday naturally I should have something to say about the weekend that just started right? right. and naturally I should tell you all right? ... right.

So as some of you know (most of you don't) I went out last night with "Constable Jeff" also known as Arnie, or Arnald. (I'm not actually sure how he spells his name) It was pretty low key because apparently he decided to take me out to supper and well I had a big lunch. Well... A big mac, and one kickin peice of cake. So I didn't really eat that much but I definatly had more fun just talking to him anyways. That guy is hilarous, and he drives a truck. Can it get any better? lol.

After supper I thought it would be cool to go see Kallie at McQuires... They were at O'shea's. I'm soo cool i get pubs mixed up! lol oh well Constable Jeff and I stayed and had a drink anyways because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Then after a few harassing phone calls from Greg Poz it was off to the Branch. Honestly. Don't ever go to the Branch on a friday night. It just plain sucks... Except for the two guys who stand by the pool tables and play that punching game where it measures how hard you can punch. One because they look rediculous, and two... They look rediculous.

Finally from the Branch it was off to the Hoze and Hydrant. Yes I did say Hello to Mr.Fantastic. the night did start to wind down after all the dancing and a little more drinking. Which I didn't do much of after the Branch because those shots were not sitting well. But then yes ladies and gentlemen it was time to go home around 2;30 am.

Just a few side notes. One Sara it was actually Greg who called you at 2am from my phone. lol. We were trying to get him to tap something. Your name came up. *Wink* Two Yes Kate and I are moving out together with Dana on his days off. I am also Tres excited! Three You should all try and hang out with cops. but I warn you "we are never off the clock" as a bar fight starts and they break it up faster than the bouncers.

Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo!

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