Thursday, January 25, 2007

It may be a while.

Okay so seeing as how I'm going to be super buzy n such for the next like week or so I figured that now was a good time to make a new post. First, Constable Jeff is out of the picture. Second, I'm moving in with Kate on the 1st. Everyone is welcome to help us move (Bring your truck. Love that song) Third, I'm going to Calgary this weekend I hope if not then I won't be nearly as buzy as I thought I would be because well I'll have the entire weekend to get that done n such. Forth, If there is currently or going to be any serious drama. I take no sides I'm Switzerland, Although you are welcome to come over to the new place and chill with me as long as you give me at least 10min notice.
Alright now that thats out of the way I can actually do something random as per usual. Well I do have my thinking/pimpin hat on. The Fadora rocks you are all jealous. :D Kate and I went shopping for the few things we needed for the new place today and well it wasn't as much as I thought it would be. Mostly it was just the little things we didn't have and even then it didn't add up to that much. Considering we are getting a shit load of stuff from her grandma and will only need to get something like a slip cover it's pretty sweet.


I've been trying to keep buzy really with the move because I can't concentrate at work really. That happens when you randomly find out your grandpa has had a stroke the day before. Technically that was about 2 days ago. But still it's a shocker if nothing else. I suppose things will be just hunky dorry for the most part but well friggen hell. blah. Thats all i'm going to say.
Other than that... Things are fantastic. For the most part. My family isn't exactly thrilled I'm moving out. Well D-wayne was then I told him I was coming back and he said "Damn" . Lol But it's just like I keep telling them. It's something I need to do. Yes they have all done it and know that it's maybe not the best idea but fuck that noise somethings I actually need to know and do for myself. There. I'm done.
I like where we are, when we drive in your car. I like where we are. Here.

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