Sunday, October 01, 2006

What a Saturday night!

Okay so last night was definatly Mary's birthday bash! it was pretty amazing except for a few parts. lol it started pretty weird. so there i was almost at the Hose and well Mary called and asked where I was... lol Courtney had forgotten her ID at Mary's. so I did some pretty fancy driving and made it back to Mary's and then back to the Hose in about 25 min. so we get there and there was dancing and drinking... then they CLOSED! i know it was really weird. it was because they had no water or something. really weird.

so after that we slowly made our way over to Lydia's. basically across the street. and definatly got in for free. but then it was time to decide where to go next. The Pat was out of the question because it was already 10:30 and by the time we would have gotten there it would definatly be 11 and they we would have never gotten in... so then we were stuck between The Scuz, or the OD. well some people didn't want to go to the Scuz, and some didn't wanna go to the OD. it was a freaking Gong show. not even kidding. Mary was upset and sober which definatly should never happen on a 19th B-day and me and Katherine were like... "this sucks". so when we finally went to the OD it was good. we were drinking, and dancing and just doing random stuff. I went and saw Tony (the new hot dog guy) Chase, and Tyler was there to BUT! he wasn't working, and he just got back from Calgary. broke some guy's arm in a UFC competition. apparently it's going to be on TV next week. go Tyler! lol

Then around 2 we left to go get Courtney because she didn't come with us to the OD so it was off to get her, and that in it's self was a show. honestly. people who are drunk and in serious relationships shouldn't try and have a conversation when one is upset because the other is being dumb and drunk. anyways! by the time i got home and everything it was basically 3am. BUT! did i go t bed? NO! lol I stayed up and watched SATC (aka, Sex and the City) it's amazing. i'm in love with it. that and i was talking to Graham. but mostly just SATC. well that was till he called. then we talked for about half an hour and finaly went to bed around what... maybe 5am? or pretty close to it.

that was my night... full of dancing, getting twins mixed up. no really. lol a friend of mine has a twin brother. i definatly didn't know that. then coming home and seeing a sock... on a door knob... best part of the night right there. besides all of the other good stuff.

You look like you came to do one thing... set it off!

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