Sunday, October 29, 2006

It was a one night Extravagansa!

My weekend... Was definatly odd, but in that good sort of way. Friday I went on a pub crawl with Sara, Brent, Curt, Curt, Matty, Jessica, Lessley, Michelle... There was just a lot of people. lol. Now this was after 3 costume changes that I decided to be a pirate, and Sara after no costume changes was definatly a greek goddess. Then it was off to JT's. Where it was time to eat something at least... not much, but definatly something. From JT's Matty and Jessica left us. This was at like 9pm. I so made fun of him for being old, cause 22 is really old right? anyways

Then the next bar was The Scuz. When we got there who should be randomly standing outside the door but Morgan. I wanted to stay and talk but Sara wouldn't let me for 2 reasons... One! We had to go dancing, and Two! we had to go dancing. lol really she just didn't want me to hit on him. At that time worked because I couldn't find him again after that. But that was okay because drinks were downed and it was definatly one of those I'm dancing and drinking and don't care about anything else kinda times. On the way out we definalty saw Sarah, Carrie, and Phil. Two hookers and a preist... Only Phil would do that.

The next bar after that was definatly the Hose! Man I love that place. Mainly just because the entire top floor is the dance floor. More drinks were had, and Sara started to get drunk. Now Sara definatly said that she wasn't getting drunk that night. It was a complete lie. She got really, really drunk. Then Greg showed up! With the random dancing with Mr. Pozniak and Curtis Hermanson it was just a good time aswell, because well... I hadn't seen Greg since the summer and well since he is basically like my brother it was definatly good to see him agian. That and the next time I do he'll probably be laughing while giving me some sort of stupid ticket because he can...

Finally we made it back to the OD! Where we tried to get Tone (Said like Tony) to let us in the side door but he just laughed and told us to go in the front. So we did! Now there at the OD was Morgan. I swear that boy was stalking me, but not really. So me being in the drunken state I was in didn't notice that I had dropped my cell phone. Really I wasn't worried because I was drunk as a mo fo. Actually I definatly thought it was really kinda funny... At the time. But I did get it back because the bouncer for the pub crawl found it on the bus. BUT! back to the story. Now since Sara was drunk, and Morgan was there. I started hitting on him. Now this may not have been the best thing because well I did go out with him before... But I'm pretty sure I was just being myself and a bitch all at the same time when I did go out with him so (I was thinking about this while I was sober) But I definatly felt bad even when I was drunk when he brought it up. So naturally I gave him a ride to his car... After more dancing and everything. Well actually my mom gave him the ride.

Then Borah, Sara and I went to McDicks, had our junk food and I watched Thumbalina... Thats right! I watched Thumbalina till the room stopped spinning and went to bed. Mainly I just needed to get some water in my system and wait till the room stopped spinning. I think some where between dropping Sara off and getting into bed Katie called. But I don't really remember that much.

Baby not the usual, tonight we gettin' unpredictable!

1 comment:

startsky said...

one - matty's girlfriend's name is jenna..
two - if you break morgan's heart again i'm going to beat you..
and three - i'm still not doing up my pants.