Sunday, October 22, 2006


alright. so. last night was amazingly amazing. Why? i have no idea. well. i have a little bit of an idea so i guess i should explain. the night started off with Michelle G and Mary coming to get me and all 3 of us going to Tims house. Thats where the drinking began. I was pretty trashed by the time we actually left Tims to go to the Pat.
So in the car was Tim, myself, Zennan, Mary, Michelle G, and Kyle. when we got there we basically walked in and it was a good time right form the get go. Saw a bunch of people I knew, my cousin April, Curts friends like Kish, Steve G and Joel were there, and Damon saw him again. Then there was just a little more drinking. Honesly. I only had 2 shots, and 2 Rye n Coke. Shocking I know. But i was already drunk and just needed to keep the buzz up so that's what I did. Along with a lot of dancing, and just randomly hitting on guys but never stopping to talk at all. So really it was the obvious look up and down, make eye contact, smile, and move on. Really it was just one of those nights where I felt and looked good and made the night about it.
The ride home was really good to. cause Tims car was cold and we started talking with these random guys who turned out to be parked beside us. We were also making random hand prints on peoples cars just for kicks. So after laughing more and just being drunk we were finaly at Mary's house. We said our good-bye's, and Zennan and Kyle were goofing around on Mary's front lawn so we finally just went inside.
After getting into our pj's and all of us of course needed our phones. I didn't need mine at all really I just wanted to feel important so i took it lol. Then after we all said good-night to Kyle cause he called Mary. mostly it was Mary and him talking and Michelle G and I were just being silly. We all curled up in the King size bed that used to be Hailey's and just went to sleep. We all got woken up a little while later by Michelle G's phone going off but I didn't really notice. The next thing I knew it was 9am and we were leaving to get Mary's car and take me home...
I'm bringin sexy back! yeah!

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