Friday, October 06, 2006

Rant, Rave, and Vent... Ish..

Okay. so i've noticed either on MSN, or on here that the general feeling is that people are pissing other people off. well i'm definatly being pissed off by people. but really unlike everyone else it's mostly just at work. and sure i laugh and stuff but really i don't want to be there becuase of the mood i'm in. mainly because the first call of the day is usually some stupid ass hole with a conversation that goes like this.

"I need to cancel my reservation..."
m- "okay do you have the confirmation number?"
m- "may i get your last name please?"
"insert last name"
m- "and your date of arrival"
"um... the 18th i think... or it might be the 22nd..."
m - "alright, and which hotel was this at?"
"...i don't know. somewhere in southern California"

One... we have a buzzilion hotels in southern calafornia

oh yeah... and thats not including all the fun people who don't speak english... at least the people who speak Spanish know to ask if WE speak it. then we say NO and put them to people who can... GOSH! any ways...

I have become one of those people who... *gasp* rolls their change... i decided i would start with the pennies... theres $12... IN PENNIES! how does that happen? the nickles was another $20. i laughed pretty hard becuase i still have the quarters and dimes to do... but it really is a good savings plan. why? because well you don't want to use them because well you don't want to carry it around. it's even better if you work at a place where you get change as a tip. because then you can just put it straight into a jar (or in my case a Bacardi texas micky bottle) and well... just let it fill. i'm going to be seriously impressed if i have like $75... which i prolly will.

but other than that i've been staying home. a good savings program to! i realized how much i go out when i was called 3 times to go to the OverDrive on wednesday. honestly. My dad called. Katie called, and Spencer called. but no! I stayed home curled up with the wonderfulness of SATC and had a bubble bath. it was amazing. mind you i did have a mini melt down but i basically got over that.

now really i don't ever tell any one about my mini melt downs. i basically just keep them to myself and i'm good in like a half an hour. but then i started talking to Graham and well he picked up on the fact that i wasn't doing to stellar. but like i said i just needed to get some stuff off of my chest. and i was good. it was probably a really good thing that the stuff i needed to say involved him. and again with the talking. a couple cracks about him being my knight in shining aluminum... and it was off to bed so that i could go to the Branch with 16 loonies... that right... 16 Loonies!!

It's hot or cold... no in between.

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