Tuesday, October 17, 2006

HA! what up yo?

OkaY! so i'm in a really funky mood... why you ask? well i guess i should share!

Mainly because I went out with Sara and Mikey tonight. It's been a while since we've all just chilled together... Well... Spooned, watched movies, and had masages... while talking about recent events and well just being us. I missed it. A lot actually. But i was done tonight and it was amazingly amazing! HA!

Work was actually pretty gosh darn good. it wasn't uber slow, but it wasn't uber buzy either. JUST RIGHT! hah. and well with Carrie, on one side and Michelle on the other side of me how can you go wrong? well... that and Carrie showed me the pictures from Phil-a-palooza on saturday which was definatly amazign! that was one of the best pub crawls i've been on in a while. YAY for Carrie and Phil!!

I don't know what three really is. but i thought there should be 3... you know. like the three muscateer's. or a 3 some. it's just one of those numbers you need. with two it feels like your missing something. with three it's like 'ohhhh yeah!' but really I think 3 is about well. boys. or lack of them because something potentially tragic happened. well guess what. I get it. I do. really. More that you will ever know. (unless your Sara. She knows everything) But really. You can ignore every one else and hide if you want. but it really hurts myself because I don't get to see you. and that makes me sad. so i'll do what I need to do and what I need to do is talk to you. You know who you are...

They call me Mr. Boombastic!

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