Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm sorry your royal Bar-ness.

So basically I've been having the best weekend i've had in a really really long time. Now usually you know how you have one good day and the rest are just kinda so so? well not this girlie. Alright so Friday I after work I just kinda lounged around helped my mom pack because they were going away for the weekend. Then I decided I needed food (and Curt called and i got him some to) then I went to pick up Katie because well we were supposed to be going to The Roxy on broadway to meet her new intrest Ash. Now I was the one who kinda introduced them but anyways after Ash was like an hour late of when he said he would be there i started getting really bored n wanted to go the Scuz well because thats where Kate, Sara, and Katherine were... But no. I waited with Katie for another like 45 min before I was like ... Eff this shit. Katie we are going. and well... she really was just all bummed that Ash had "ditched her" but well. I was kinda sick of hearing about it. I mean i love the girl to death but man can she complain about the same thing for hours then go "what should i do?" how the hell should i know? ANYWAYS! I took Katie back to the Roxy because she wasn't having any fun and apparently Ash had showed up like right after we left. But when I got back to the Scuz man was it a good night. A ton of people from MMGCI showed up and it was pretty amazing.

Saturday I did nothing as well... just kinda lounged around watched a bunch of movies that were on the Tv and got ready for the next night because well... It was Branch night. and it was awesome. lol mainly because of all of the good dancing but holy cow. anyways. Brandon's B-day pub crawl was there shortly after we arrived and he was tanked already it was great. I signed his shirt and gave him a birthday peck. and then basically went and danced up a storm with Gabe, Danny, Luke, Sara, Michelle G, Katherine, and Bre! it was basically the best ever. lol then there was the random Cowboy... Really cute, asked me to dance and was like "sure" well he couldn't really dance at all and it was rediculously hard to follow his ryhthm... anyways. after that i went back to Talk to Sara and Curt who had shown up some where in there from a wedding. (ps. he so wouldn't let me wear his tie. jerk. lol) and this random girl walks up and was like "hey i'm so n so and you were dancing with the random cowboy and he really likes you blah blah blah" i didnt' have the heart to tell her i was seeing some one. plus i was just planning on ignoring him the rest of the night. but finally Sara was like "i'm just going to go tell him" and she did... but oh man i was not expecting the answer she gave me. that guy had a g/f to. i was like "whaaaa?" Sara was like "wtf?" and we were all confused. but then whenever he came to talk to me after that i was bascially like "uh huh... yeah..." and would just walk away right when he was talking to me. I think he got the hint. anyways. after an interesting dance with Smella. only to be explained as... he would spin me out and go "YA!" in the cowboy kinda way. lol i was laughing so hard i could hardly dance. funniest think of my life. but then me and Sara had a picnic in her living room vented about a few things, and well it was off to home with me and bed for her. I came home to was SATC. and the crashed. and now here I am in my pj's.

Hold my beer! While I kiss your girlfriend!

1 comment:

startsky said...

hold my beer while i kiss your katherine..
it was a grand-tacular weekend.
and now..
i must do some homework.