Saturday, November 04, 2006

The friday that was all about "the Gabe"

So tonight was definatly the best day I've had in a while. Mainly because it really started when I finished work at about 1:30pm. Then It was off to Sara's to really just bond in the way that we do while making "The Gabe" present. I loved it. All of it. The shirt, the "gabe-isms" absolutly amazing. Oh man the subway was really good to, it's just been so long since I've had one of their sandwiches and just been thinking "this is going to be sooooo good..." honestly just wanted it that badly once you see it being made and getting all wrapped up. I just wanted to jump over the counter tackle the guy making it and eat it right there... Okay. Maybe not THAT badly.

But while eating the Subs we watched the classic Bugs Bunny cartoons. Those make my life all the time becuase you get those freakin cartoons where everthing is messed and it's all about some stupid thing that has to do with space and super this and fantasic that. What honestly happened to the time where it was a bald guy with a gun chasing a freaking normal rabbit. BUT! back to the point. It was awesome.

So after wrapping up "the gift" hah... We had to head to Safeway to get some muchies for the partay. We ended up bringing spinach dip and bread. It was a total success by the way, and definatly got a lot of Crystal light singles, and were just having our own little juice party while we were there.

But after all of the tango, the cha-cha, the rumba, the waltz, the polka, the two-step, all of the dancing in general it was a fantastic night. Honestly I haven't had a night like that in a loooong time where you're just somewhere doing nothing in particular but you all want to be there doing it. I miss those days really.

So naturally first to arrive and last to leave as Sara said we helped clean up and just really stayed and talked for a while with Gabe, and watched some funny stuff. Lee Evans. If you haven't seen anything by him I definalty suggest you do so. He's a British comedian and totaly funny. After Gabe started falling asleep on the couch watching it, it was home time. That is why I am sitting here now... Because I dropped off Sara and no one else is home. So soon I will go to bed but I felt I needed to get this on here while it was still fresh.

The time we've lost can't get back

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