Monday, November 27, 2006

Oddly Optimistic

I did an odd thing today... Well more odd than usuall for myself anyway. While I was talking to Sara trying to get her to tell me what kind of coffee she wanted, I started talking to Graham Martin. Yes the same Graham mentioned in my previous posts. Why? I have no freakin clue, but it was definatly good. Mind you I suppose that would be because we always just sort of 'clicked' but still it was suprisingly easy considering he crapped all over my fellings.
Now don't get me wrong I'm still evil about it because I asked him why he wasn't having a good week or anything. Mainly because I'm in such a good mood this evening ( a thank you to Christmas Music). It seemed like the center of his problems were his work truck not starting, and his girlfriend I'm assuming. Now before I went on to ask him about these problems me being the person I am... Mentioned I loved my car because it always starts, and that I was happy with who I have around me and don't have any problems. Tee... Hee... Take that!!
Now after that was all said and done I suppose we just fell into the grove we once had. With out the flirting or anything like that. In two simple words, I Refuse. It's just that simple. Mind you I do understand that people who break up can get back together after time and be happy after they have experienced a few things and grown up and matured. Realisticly these things don' t happen very often and well I'm okay with just being friends. I like having friends.
That also being said I suppose I just forgive people easily. Now forgiving doesn't always mean forgetting, and depending on what I have to forgive I may never. But I really see no real reason in wasting time hating, or holding a grudge with some one when really it's over and done with leave it in the past. Mind you it's not like I'm going to start confiding in these people or ever fully trusting them with anything, but I do hold hope for the future...
I've got rhythm, I've got music, I've got my man... Who could ask for anything more?

1 comment:

Kate said...

The only time you should get back together is if the reason you broke up changed. Examples: you broke up because the long distance didn't work, you get back together because you both live in the same place. You broke up because he was immature/you were in different places in life, you get back together because he has gone through some life-changing experience and matured, or you are at similar places in life.
To get back together, it really needs to be fixed, not just because you think it'll be different this time. Because if you think it'll be different, but nothing is, it will be exactly the same.