Friday, November 17, 2006

Here I go again.

Ever have one of those days where everything goes right and nothing can take the smile off of your face? I love those days. Almost seems like nothing can touch you and you're invincible. I had one of those days. Best day ever. It started after I answered a text on my phone. Then it was off to watch cartoons, and Alfie at Mike's. Then I came home to shower and go shopping with the mom. Mind you it wasn't the kinda shopping I wanted but still it was a pretty awesome time.

The shopping was precided with watching of the TV, and eating of the chinese food. ORGASMIC! haha... Then randomly after Brent and Matty left for the 3 Days Grace, Theory of a Dead Man, and Mobile concert Brent called me. I was like "wtf mate?" apparently the girl they were going with (total nut case) her sister bailed on her and Brent asked if I wanted to go... FUCKIN RIGHTS I DID! I love my brother. Even if he is an asshole somtimes. ANYWAYS! The concert kinda sucked while mobile was on stage, got a little bit better with Theory of a Dead Man, and kicked total ass with 3Days Grace! I LOVED IT! Knew basically every song they played and definatly rocked out with the drum solo on the little intermission that they had.

And now I'm just sitting here waiting for Mike to come over because he said he would and well it just seems like a good ending to an even better day. I love days like today, where nothing goes wrong and you just feel like you're on cloud nine. Hell I am on cloud 9 and I"m definatly loving every minute of it. Every one definatly has days like today even if you don't want to say it. You all know what I'm talking about.

Over and over, I try not to...

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