Sunday, November 12, 2006

This is what happens when I work nights.

As I sit here listening to my random Justin Timberlake (thats right!! I LISTEN TO JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!) I got to thinking about the last few days. Or really just last night and today to be exact. Nothing overly special happened, but nothing overly boring.

Last night (Friday night) was a night of coffee, playing Wed, Bed, or Dead while picking people from my old year books. That was hilarious (Ps. Jordan I have your jacket right now) Then every one really got tired and just wanted to leave, but that was around 1ish I think. So then me and Sara decided to go to the Scuz because Brent, Matty, Sean, Graham, and Rhett had gone. Mainly I just wanted to go because I told them I would drive them home if they needed it, and would have ended up going there later any way. So after saving Brent from the "walking STD store", dancing with Buttons, and giving this guy Mike my number because he knew "The Twins" (Arlen, and Aaron) I came home, drove Matty home, and Crashed.

Today was a little less exciting. I got up, worked on the card I'd been working on for a guy I work for (Death in the family) and went shopping with Sara. Who knew that Lulu Lemon could have such nice pants... THAT WOULDN"T HAVE MY SIZE! friggen Those people should have more stock is what I say, because those pants were amazing. Now I know what you are all thinking and no they weren't just their normal kinda pants they have there. I wanted them even if they were like 100 and something. ANYWAYS! I went to work, and only really worked for about half my shift. After that it was "training" basically they just wanted to take people off the phones because we were already waiting like 20 min between calls. So for the last like hour and a half I was listening to my iPod, and playing on my gameboy.

The only really exciting thing that happened tonight while I was at work was that Mike actually called. You know how you expect some one to call and they never do? I was almost thinking he might do that. Now he did invite me to come out after I was done work at 1am but I defiantly didn't feel up to going. One: I just finished 'work'... Two: I definatly DIDN"T shower today. lol Now i know thats kinda gross but I did shower last night so whatever... and Three: I would probably only know like... Him. Really I didn't feel like going through that toinght. So I definatly just called him and told him we would hang out another time. That is my story. OHHHH!!!

K. Thursday after I was rediculously drunk I started hitting on this Curtis guy. (no not my brother) but then he came to the Scuz after I got there and came up and started talking to me. Thankfully Matty was sitting right beside me and definatly realized who he was cause I was telling him about Curtis earlier and well right after they shook hands Matty put his hand on my leg. Now Curtis noticed and kinda walked away proceeding to text me how i was loosing a good thing when i blew him off. Really why are guys so full of themselfs sometimes? Mind you girls are the same way but why? I don't really understand why when some one says that they aren't interested in you that you feel the need to go on a rant. It doesn't matter if it's a phone call, an e-mail, or some crazy texting thing. GET OVER IT! gosh. You obviously will move on and find some one else, why drag out what just happened with some one you don't even know? The only thing I can come up with is to repair your damaged ego, that really wasn't all that damaged to begin with. Stupid people. Okay... I'm done now... :D

The record won't stop skipping, and the lies just won't stop slipping...

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