Saturday, September 30, 2006

How messed up am I?

okay so here it is Saturday morning after a pretty good night, and I finaly realized just how messed up basically everything in my life is. lol not in a bad way it's just really effed.

okay so First we'll start with my family. we are what i like to call "socailly active"... and the meaning of that? well basically we all go out at least once a week if not more. my mom has gone out twice this week, my dad about three times i think... brent doesn't count because he only lives here on the weekends because he's working out of town but when he is home he goes out every night. that's at least three times. Curtis goes out every night technically because he hardly sleeps at home. (He basically lives at Tams) and me? well i've been trying to save money so this week it's only been Twice that i've gone out. which is pretty good. usually it's four or more in a week ( I start my week early.)

Second... we'll go with my working habits. those are really messed up. why? because i hardly work if i can help it. which really doesn't help with my spending habits. But! thats really okay becuase well soon enough i won't be able to take any Downtime (aka going home early and not getting paid) but i'm still considered full time... but really there was a cheque where i only worked about 36 hours... in two weeks... lol but then when it gets really buzy i'll always have to stay a full day and then i'll start taking overtime and working 6days a week to fund myself and all of the trips i'm going to be taking. ANYWAYS! whats really messed is that i did actually sign up for Over time on sunday... now what happpened to that was I found out that Swollen Members is coming to town on Sunday... now you see the problem. But they love me at work and well now i don't have Overtime on sunday...

Third... do i really have to get into my love life? you all know it's messed up. lol if i'm not switching guys every week well then i start a long distance relationship... we won't go into detail with that one. (p.s i'm okay with it)

Really i could almost go on forever with the fact that my life is messed up but i think you all get the idea. but hey! my life maybe messed up as a mo fo. but i'm happy with that. because well other wise things would get boring... and then i would have to curl up into a corner and die because well... i'd be bored.

I never asked for this life... but I screamed!

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