Saturday, September 16, 2006

Money? what's that?

so here i am... on a saturday night sitting by myself... why you ask? because well Sara is at work till around 10 ish. and i've been waiting for my friend Kayle to call. but thats not why i came on here... the reason? because it's been a while and i've been thinking. well... more analyzing myself like i tend to do on just such occations.

so lets see. i've just been thinking about my lifestyle and things. so what i do is i go to work (sometimes not even for a full 8 hours) and then i come home and more often than not i would have something to do and would end up going out and doing something that costs money. then i would come home and go to bed just to wake up the next morning to do it all again, and for what really? to go out and live life like the 19 year old i am? well a part of me is definatly liking it. and i really do enjoy the time i spend with my friends but why must i always spend so much money on it. i have no idea. i've been working for a year now and do you know how much money i have saved?? none. zero. nada. zip. zilch. and what do i have to show for it? my car and my phone. thats it. mind you i do have some killer memories but still what good are those when i want to move out? *sigh* so i've decided to stop going out so much. and well if i can't manage that to just freaking stop spending money. lol we'll see how long this lasts.

other than that all i have to say is that i'm content. i've got my amazingly amazing friends, i've got a good job that i may not love but certainly don't hate, and some sort of wierd long distance relationship. lol i'll go into specifics on a different entry but it's just good. because as you all know i tend to jump into things head first and well with this it's basically impossible. mind you i do miss the physical part of it i'm getting to know the other side of things. it's good. but i'm definatly having a good time going out with Sara and Kate and just doing whatever and not really thinking about anything.

p.s Happy belated birthday Jackie.

i'll be alright... and it's alright!


Kate said...

bah ha I was in Lloyd!

jamie* said...

So much for not spending money.
"I know! Let's go to a really expensive (mind you REALLY cool) movie theatre!"


West Beach said...

and u never hang out with me and soon im gone for 6 months. but thats ok . because i will barely have time to hang out with u becuase i work everday basically and have one day off a week.