Saturday, October 14, 2006

That friday night.

Okay so last night was pretty good. I mean naturally it had it's not so good moments. It basically started after I got home from work when Kate asked if I wanted to go see "Man of the Year" and waited a good 20 min for our freaking food cause neither of us had eaten we got hot dogs. The ladie ahead of us had her pizza before the hot dogs. We all kinda got really mad at the guy making them and he put some more hussle into it. kinda funny to watch really. Anyways the movie was awesome and hilarious.

Then it was off to Sara's for a little bonding, drinking and getting ready for bowling. which went really well. there was lauging, pictures, drinking, dancing. just an all around good time. I even got a "new" pair of bowling shoes. (Thank you Dana!) So as to the plan I went with Sara to the OverDrive. Once there we went and found Mia, and even Kurt ( miss that boy). After saying Hi to our bouncer friends and Tony the hot dog guy. we were standing by Chase when Gerrit called. I guess he had gotten the wrong idea from Sara at bowling and her saying that she would get his V-card if she beat him. But kudo's to her for staying calm and talking to him about it quickly. Mia and myself both would have just hung up very early on in the conversation.

After that we went and talked to Tyler because well. he's funny and cute and Sara needed to calm down. True to form he did the job very well. How can you stay mad when some one litterally shakes there ass in your face from on top of a box? honestly? lol.

Personally I had my own moments where it was kinda odd. one. Todd, and Morgan were there. and yes I have dated them both. Todd I'm used to seeing and talking to a little, Morgan not so much... not that I really talked to him at all. but Todd was being very strange. Usually it's just "hey, whats up" and we move on... No this time he actually stopped and wanted to talk to me. I almost felt like an animal traped in a corner or something. That and the hugging. That was odd. I mean don't get me wrong, I hug all of my guy friends all the time. Thats just the way it goes, but this was kinda odd... I don't know how to explain it but it wasn't really comfortable for me.

Other than that it was a good night of non drinking and dancing in rediculous clothes. AKA bunny hugs because we were outside so much we just decided to keep them on. it was pretty funny the looks we got. But yep, after attacking some people we knew with Balloons like oh I don't know Brandon and his friends. and staying till close it was finaly time to go home at almost 3am. Then it was just time to crash and thats exactly what i did...

I'm sitting and sweating to a song on the joints P.A.

1 comment:

startsky said...

yes!! brandon with my balloon penis!!
hahaha omg that was the best part of the night..
i love you michelle. haha