Monday, October 02, 2006

Swollen Members!

Okay! SO!

tee hee. I'm still giggling from last night. okay. okay. So last night was the Swollen Members concert at The Roxy. So I went with Katie and was sitting with some people I knew and well basically just waiting for the show to start. Then all of a sudden this random walks up and says "hey, wanna go on the tour bus?" of course you all know how much i like Swollen Members... Hell yes I went on that bus! Okay. so it's a little intimidating walking up to this Giant black bus. but i was definatly to excited to do anything BUT smile.

So i walk on the bus. First things i saw... TV, Mirror on the roof, with a rope light around it that changed color, a half naked Prevail (Very nice by the way) and Rob the Viking. yep. So there I am talking with Rob and drinking the Red Bull and Vodka he made for me (those get me really hyper FYI) basically just havin a jolly good time, when freaking Mad Child and Prevail come out from the back and i kid you not start doing something that looks a lot like the running man. funniest thing of my life.

But then the show started... ish. i went back inside before they got off the bus. ANYWAYS! I managed to get myself right up front on stage between a bunch of random people. then the show started. with all of the jumping and heat and everything (i know this is gross but kinda funny) I managed to sweat through my holter top and my zip up. lol but it was great because since i had met them on the bus they kept coming over and grabbing my hand and stuff right in front. lol all the people around me were like "wtf"

ANY WAYS! the show ended and well i went to go clean up in the bathroom but definatly got side tracked when I saw Prevail standing there signing something. lol so i did what i do best. bought him a shot and got a picture. he's amazingly nice. he was even helping Katie sell shots. lol it was awesome. But then i went and finaly cleaned up and agian some how managed to get back on the bus. (Oh P.S Rob the Viking has song A.D.D... )

but yeah after rocking out with they for a little while i decided it was time to head home. so i said Bye to Rob the Viking, after he tried to get me to stay. lol almost like he had a thing for me. but alas... he's just to short! lol! said good-bye to Katie, and Ash. got into my car cranked up the new Swollen Members album Black Magic, and rocked out all the way home.

To a perfect combination, once this passion is unleashed

1 comment:

startsky said...

haha sounds like a good time michelley.
im really depressed that i missed it!