Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Random Wednesday Afternoon

You know those days where you just want to go home and hide from the world? I had of of those today. Almost. I definatly kicked off from work early and came home. Since no one was home I did something I haven't done in a very long time. Went for a walk. It was the most glorious thing I've done in months. Mind you it was almost cold so I did wear a jacket and gloves but other than that it was amazing. I needed to just be, not have to worry about anything and just walk.

Well after my walk I was in such a good mood I decided I needed new shoes. Mainly because of when I was walking my old ones were killing my feet. So I bought two new pairs... and a hat. I almost went and got gel nails but decided against it because I don't really have the money for them right now. So I figure if i really want them I can wait till next month or something and get them. Everything good is definatly worth waiting for.

As far as later tonight goes. It should be a pimpin time. I'm so in the mood to just go out with the girls and have one hell of a time. That and the fact that I talked to Graham and everything is good now just makes the entire day that much better. Well that and the fact that Sara got an iPod. How that makes my day, I'm still working on that but I just decided it did.

From red lights and to midnights, Stars are lonely and bare!

I love you Kate. Even if you are Anti-social.

1 comment:

startsky said...

you forgot to add Dion's dancing..
that was the best part of my night..
hands down
we will be chillin with that hot man later tonight.. [friday]
yeah baby.
i'm all over that!
and greg. ahaha