Saturday, April 15, 2006

You know how your like 12 and you have a diary... and you write in it all the time...
about how yuou like the cute boy in your class or how you did something fun at reccess... man i miss those days. anyways.

blogs are the new age diary.

you all know it's true... you write down your thoughts, how you feel, what you did and what not. so really all we are doing is making it so that people can see and voice their oppinions on them.
but really we aren't putting EVERYTHING in it like we would a diary.

mind you there were somethings i would never put in my diary... why? because i had two older brothers. one was devoted to making my life hell. the other devoted to making his life hell for making mine hell... funny how that works huh. (why i decided to put this in here i have no idea. my brothers sure aren't like that now. mind you we still have our fights but pft nothing like they were... why? cause we all have cars and leave so we don't have to put up with any BS.)

now me being the smart and profound person i am... just realized this is what is happening. really i don't mind it either. i like to share with people what is going on in my life. even more so now that i don't see most of you as much as i used to. with that said. I miss you all!

now with THAT said. here is why. as Sara and Kate and most likely a whole bunch of other people know. I have this little thing with commitment or in other words it's hard for me to trust people. so when i do i don't like to lose them as friends or lose touch with them. so really. this is my way of keeping in touch with people.

so. now that i have had my fill of being honest and all open. i'm going to continue on with being the 'lovely' girl you all know me to be... :D... somethings will never change. lol

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