Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ever wonder why when you like some one you do the strangest things?
like if they don't call when they say they will if they do at all... then you get worried...
then you think about it and realize it was probably becuase of something silly like they just fell asleep.

or you know you should trust them... but then you see something and all that trust goes down the toilet... then they don't bother to try and explain. maybe it's just me. nope. that street goes both ways. but that thought always just kinda creeps in and stays there. no matter what logic you have, or even if you have the best reasoning it's still there...

now this could all just be the ramblings of some one who hasn't had a relationship last more than a week... SO! can you really blame me for being a little bit of a pesamist when it comes to things like this in my life? it's almost like trying to be posative when there is nothing to be posative about...

don't get me wrong. i'm happy with my life. i have a good job, i can always just jump in my car and drive around for a bit, i have great friends. i know they will be there for me if i need them, and they know that i will always be there for them...always...but still... the thoughts are always there...

i haven't really been looking for a relationship lately. i've just kinda been looking for things to keep me buzy so i don't have time to think about it. work helps. so does staying up late so that when you come home you just fall asleep as soon as you get in bed...

just a thought... maybe it's just me?

1 comment:

jamie* said...

I heart you Michelle!

Look... I hearted you!