Saturday, April 22, 2006

Well... allrighty then...

okay so if you've all ready my last post about how i met these guys driving down 8th. (Rich, and Clay) any who last night after i went and saw, Poppet, Jackie, Gerrit, Jordan, Simon... i think i'm forgeting some one... or a few people. any ways. i went and saw them at lawson just cause i felt like it for a little while. and it's good cause i missed them. well Jackie and Jordan. lol i basically see everyone else every once and a while.

but yes after i went and saw them i went to see Raegan and a friend of hers on 8th street. basically cause i felt really bad for not calling her on thursday (totaly spaced out that i told her i would do something with her) but yeah then we went to Clays because well... seemed like a good idea at the time. and it was. we all kinda sat around the fire he had going in his back yard. (p.s. i still smell like smoke right now the next morning)

but yeah okay so lemme explain a little... Rich... the guy with the Audi, who is really the one i talked to when i stopped and talked to them didn't really seem like the kinda guy who would call. almost like a show off. lol so i was a little suprised when my phone rang yesterday and it was Clay... the passenger in the car.

ANYWAYS! so yeah after Raegan and Laurin? left because of her curfew then it was just kinda me n him sittin by the fire talking. good time. then he got cold (thats what he gets for not wearing pants. lol he was wearing shorts) so we went inside and watched a surfing movie Jack Johnson made and just talked... basically till 4am. lol and now here i am awake at 10 am because my family is damned loud.

but i'm off to clean. cause my house is soo dirty ;)


startsky said...

another random.
when will you outgrow the randoms.

Kate said...

It's Michelle... so basically never. Need I remind you of how we meet a lot of people?
Me and Michelle drunk at the lake waving at people that drive by and inviting them to come skinny-dipping at midnight! That's how! hahahahahahahaha