Saturday, April 29, 2006

Man on a mission...

Today my dad was definatly a man on a mission. so naturally what did i do? i slept in. then around 11:30 when i finally rolled outta bed and got ready for my afternoon in the sun doing yard work by noon, i went to work. raking the lawn, doing the eding (which really sucks by the way, but if they wanted a good job well then then should get a freaking proffesional).

so here it is. 5pm and everything hurts. my neck, my back, my shoulders, my arms, my legs, my effing hip is being gay, and my feet. people always say you get some sort of satisfaction after a good days work, but all i feel like is dying. crawling in bed and passing out. so i think that people are crazy. mind you when you actually enjoy what your doing sure you might feel good at the end of the day, but right now i'm sun burned and bitchy.

mind you i'm only bitchy because i'm the only one that actually stands up to my dads effin attitude mind you i'm not all straight up "no eff you" it's more of a passive aggresive approch. other wise i would be dead by now. and if he doesn't like it well then he would say something so naturally i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing. but i need a shower so i actually look human and not like something that died and crawled up from their grave...

these colors don't run...

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