Thursday, April 13, 2006

So... here i am. stiff... why you ask? ohhhh it's my own doing thats for sure. Thats what i get for giving a massage for a really long time... well at least sitting like that. You all know what i'm talking about. when you sit on some one's butt so you can give them a back massage. yeah. i was like that. and now i'm really stiff. lol oh well. it was a good night. ANYWAYS!

I am in one heck of a mood right now... maybe because last night at like 1am i went for mc donalds and as i am sitting there talking with David about how those crazy people in mc donalds are being slow (ps my window was down) lol next thing i know "it's slow because they ordered 30 cheese burgers" well that shut me up. don't lie... it would shut you up to... BUT! after ordering 6 cheese burgers some fries a drink and a mcflurry (between the 2 of us! i'm not that hungry) we get back to poppet's house... he's asleep.

i was really tempted to like shove a french fry in his mouth or nose or something really mean like that but i just ate them instead. so FINALY we get the movie and then the VCR decides it was hungry to... so it tried to eat the tape. lol it was pretty funny at the time. cause it was making this really weird noise and then we tried to take the tape out and it was just kinda hanging there... so we took pictures. naturally.

so we get the movie in SUPER TROOPERS! lol it was pretty awesome time. but yes after the movie we are all tired...except poppet... crazy kid. any who FINALY i go home at like 4... and crashed. it was glorious. i love sleeping. i've become used to going back to sleep when i get woken up early. anytime before 1pm... definatly to early.

can you blame me? I work late. Stay out later. and sleep just as long. it's a good way to be.

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