Tuesday, April 18, 2006

you know how you have one of those nights where you want to strangle everything... well i'm definatly having one of those nights. first off i tend to get these really stupid people that i have to talk to... man not fun at all... ohhh i want to hang up on them all!! okay... *deep breaths*

here is how it all started. well the day was going good... then i woke up... yeah i know it's kinda bad but thats just how it goes. blah. any who i didn't really do much before work why? because i didn't feel like it. i talked to some people an then decided i was really sad cause it's kates birthday today... unfortunatly i did have to work *where i am right now* and i couldn't go to the suprise supper her mom was planning for her this evening. really really pissed bout that.

and now i have to talk to all of these people who have no idea what the heck they want or ask the stupidest questions. UGH!! i just don't want to be at work. some days i love going to work and talking to random people. well... except the really old people who can't hear... they suck... or the people from other countries. i know it isn't their fault they talk weird but still. i hate talking to them because they do not under stand anything!

ugh. then you get numb nuts with the comment on my preivous blog. "talk about things that would cause contraversy" GO FUCK YOUSELF!!! HOW IS THAT FOR FUCKIN CONTROVERSY!!! uhhh why does it matter what i use my blog for. if i want to write in it about how the sky is effing falling then i will! uhg. stupid people. not everyone is going to be deeper than an effing toilet bowl.

why do people always do that. when you have a place to write or even just type your thoughts then some one always comes along and tells you that you should do this, or do that if your going to do it at all. well ya know what. i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing. writing about what i've done durring the day or if something amusing happens, or if i have something that i need to just get off my chest and write down then i will or if there is a thought that is really bothering me then i will most definatly write about it.

i think that about covers it. a thank you.

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