Sunday, April 30, 2006

Shortcake and No Name's fight against Cancer!

Everyone hates cancer, but few actually fight it. The story unfolds as two heroes, Shortcake and No Name, pledge to fight it.
“Aw man I’m fucking sun burnt!” states Shortcake, a fare skin complected lumberjack who is almost 5 foot 9. Average for Canadians.
“Oh no, you might have cancer!” said No Name, a pale night merchandiser a few inches taller than his friend, formerly known as black beard.

“You better get you wings, we’re going to have to battle, CANCER!”
“I’m on that, I need the Mission Impossible theme to sneak in and get it.” Stated Shortcake
“As a matter of fact, I have that right here.” Said No Name

DA dA da da dat da dat da duh da duh duh da duh dat duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh, duh duh.

“Ok, got it, on to fight….CANCER!” stated Shortcake as she danced to the pink panther.
The heroes flew to the castle that Cancer lived in, the moldy, corroded building shun in the sunlight like an old loaf of bread.
“Gross!” complained Shortcake.
“Is that what you look like without makeup?”
“Fuck you No Name!”
The heroes landed outside of the castle. There were no guards or any appearance of security. The heroes reluctantly go into the castle of Cancer. As they opened the door, Cancer was waiting.
“Welcome to your death, bitches!”
“Ah hell nah”
stated Shortcake
“He just called you a bitch, oh wait he said bitches, he meant us both. Yeah, ah hell nah!” stated No Name
Shortcake lunged forward with a trident in hand, but missed.
“Alzheimer’s attack!” shouted Cancer.
Alzheimer’s came out and almost got to Shortcake, but No Name heroically threw a piece of memory foam at him and killed Alzheimer’s.
“Parkinson’s attack!”
No Name ran at Parkinson’s but is thrown into an earthquake; luckily, Shortcake throws a handful of jumping beans at him causing Parkinson’s to explode.
“Pubic lice, attack!” Screamed Cancer unassured.
“We must shave out pubic hair to not be attacked.” Yelled Shortcake
So the heroes shave and pubic lice then attacks Cancer. After that, Shortcake and No Name both throw orange juice at Cancer and destroyed it.
“We saved the world!!!!” Yelled No Name.
The world was at ease, and Shortcake could get through the sunburn, cancer free.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Man on a mission...

Today my dad was definatly a man on a mission. so naturally what did i do? i slept in. then around 11:30 when i finally rolled outta bed and got ready for my afternoon in the sun doing yard work by noon, i went to work. raking the lawn, doing the eding (which really sucks by the way, but if they wanted a good job well then then should get a freaking proffesional).

so here it is. 5pm and everything hurts. my neck, my back, my shoulders, my arms, my legs, my effing hip is being gay, and my feet. people always say you get some sort of satisfaction after a good days work, but all i feel like is dying. crawling in bed and passing out. so i think that people are crazy. mind you when you actually enjoy what your doing sure you might feel good at the end of the day, but right now i'm sun burned and bitchy.

mind you i'm only bitchy because i'm the only one that actually stands up to my dads effin attitude mind you i'm not all straight up "no eff you" it's more of a passive aggresive approch. other wise i would be dead by now. and if he doesn't like it well then he would say something so naturally i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing. but i need a shower so i actually look human and not like something that died and crawled up from their grave...

these colors don't run...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Randomness at it's best.

Okay so i really didn't want to go home yesterday... so who did i call?? POPPET!! of course. lol (even tho he doesn't have to work this week. lol he's always awake) anyways i got off work and came home to see who leaving my brothers girlfried Tamara. so naturally I gave her a hug for the present i hadn't gotten yet... it was waiting inside in a hott pink bag.

so naturally i came in and said hi to my dad who was being lazy on the couch and opened the gift. it's orgasmic smelling lotion, and a set of fancy glasses with fishes on them. totaly hot. mind you i can't really use the lotion most of the time becuse of work we definatly have a no scent policy. but thats okay i'll just use it on my days off. back to the story!!

i went over to andrews and then we were off to Mc Donalds... and naturally sat in the parking lot talking while we ate our ever so sinfull food. i love it. lol then it was across the street to Tims to see David and Michael. that was a pretty good time. just randomly sitting there talking n such. every once and a while poppet would call me just to hear the ringer i have set for him (axel F - crazy frog)

so after driving to the vivimy memorial we went to the west side to see a friend of andrews that was in town from edmonton. i swear i've met him before... i just don't rememeber it all that well so thats okay i suppose. it was a pretty good time just kinda sitting around and doing nothing really of any importance. but because David had to be awake at like 7am the next morning i took him home and left andrew with the other guys and went home myself around 2:30 or so. one of my more early nights with that child.

i'll show you what i can be.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Supper time!

Soooo I took Raegan out for supper tonight for the second night in a row because well... she's moving... lol that and she wanted to get out of her house and i wanted to get out of mine... so it just fits. I honestly can't stand being in my own house any more. I don't know what it is. I can sit at anyone elses house and just watch TV or something but if i'm at my own house i just wanna get up and go do something else. anyways.

yeps me n Raegan went out to taco time for supper and it was good, we were the only people in there and we just talked. about everything. mostly relationships but thats okay. she had a lot to tell me and well... i didn't have so much to tell her but i like to listen... and eat. so naturally it was all good. just kinda how things were going good or not so good, how she's itching to get out to sylvan lake, and how i am most definatly going to go see her. just random things like we used to.

i kinda miss that. just talking with you people (being, kate, sara, raegan, becca) the usual. but i guess i did just have a nice one with kate a couple days ago... so i'm catching up. in everything really. i've actually seen my family this week. well... most of them... haven't seen Brent. oh well. and i've been home before 3am and in bed. things are good.

i can see clearly now, then rain has gone.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Well... allrighty then...

okay so if you've all ready my last post about how i met these guys driving down 8th. (Rich, and Clay) any who last night after i went and saw, Poppet, Jackie, Gerrit, Jordan, Simon... i think i'm forgeting some one... or a few people. any ways. i went and saw them at lawson just cause i felt like it for a little while. and it's good cause i missed them. well Jackie and Jordan. lol i basically see everyone else every once and a while.

but yes after i went and saw them i went to see Raegan and a friend of hers on 8th street. basically cause i felt really bad for not calling her on thursday (totaly spaced out that i told her i would do something with her) but yeah then we went to Clays because well... seemed like a good idea at the time. and it was. we all kinda sat around the fire he had going in his back yard. (p.s. i still smell like smoke right now the next morning)

but yeah okay so lemme explain a little... Rich... the guy with the Audi, who is really the one i talked to when i stopped and talked to them didn't really seem like the kinda guy who would call. almost like a show off. lol so i was a little suprised when my phone rang yesterday and it was Clay... the passenger in the car.

ANYWAYS! so yeah after Raegan and Laurin? left because of her curfew then it was just kinda me n him sittin by the fire talking. good time. then he got cold (thats what he gets for not wearing pants. lol he was wearing shorts) so we went inside and watched a surfing movie Jack Johnson made and just talked... basically till 4am. lol and now here i am awake at 10 am because my family is damned loud.

but i'm off to clean. cause my house is soo dirty ;)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Well i figured i would do this to kill some time. tell you all my story of chance.

So the evening started when i got off work early at 7pm. i was totaly pumped. any who. i went home did some stuff for me mum and then was off. Called brent, and my dad, went and saw my dad at Ally Catz. then off to kate's to give her the birthday present. then we talked for a bit... it was a good time. just talking.

then i went to see raegan at work. lol mind you i didn't know she was finishing just as i got there. i thought she worked till like 11pm. or at least... whats what she told me. so then we decided that we would call each other later or something like. she always asumes that i'm going to the bar. lol i like to but not all the time.. ANYWAYS!

on my way home it took me back to the days when we would criuse 8th and just be dumb... well okay. in the span of about like 5 min i had given my number out. hah. hows that for timing. pulled over talked for a sec. you know the usual "whats up" or "what are you doing tonight" that kinda thing. so naturally i left to come home for a little while killing some time. naturally he was driving a nice car... lol and his name? Rich. lol oh and Clay... that was them...

and here i am at home now... killing time before hopefully i go out again... i can't stand staying home... why? because i'm a social butterfly!

See the butterfly flutter by...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

you know how you have one of those nights where you want to strangle everything... well i'm definatly having one of those nights. first off i tend to get these really stupid people that i have to talk to... man not fun at all... ohhh i want to hang up on them all!! okay... *deep breaths*

here is how it all started. well the day was going good... then i woke up... yeah i know it's kinda bad but thats just how it goes. blah. any who i didn't really do much before work why? because i didn't feel like it. i talked to some people an then decided i was really sad cause it's kates birthday today... unfortunatly i did have to work *where i am right now* and i couldn't go to the suprise supper her mom was planning for her this evening. really really pissed bout that.

and now i have to talk to all of these people who have no idea what the heck they want or ask the stupidest questions. UGH!! i just don't want to be at work. some days i love going to work and talking to random people. well... except the really old people who can't hear... they suck... or the people from other countries. i know it isn't their fault they talk weird but still. i hate talking to them because they do not under stand anything!

ugh. then you get numb nuts with the comment on my preivous blog. "talk about things that would cause contraversy" GO FUCK YOUSELF!!! HOW IS THAT FOR FUCKIN CONTROVERSY!!! uhhh why does it matter what i use my blog for. if i want to write in it about how the sky is effing falling then i will! uhg. stupid people. not everyone is going to be deeper than an effing toilet bowl.

why do people always do that. when you have a place to write or even just type your thoughts then some one always comes along and tells you that you should do this, or do that if your going to do it at all. well ya know what. i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing. writing about what i've done durring the day or if something amusing happens, or if i have something that i need to just get off my chest and write down then i will or if there is a thought that is really bothering me then i will most definatly write about it.

i think that about covers it. a thank you.
SO... tonight has been eventfull enough to make it enjoyable.

work was well work... except i had this lady on the phone who really liked talking so i added the occational laugh with a "yeah no kidding" or "oh really?" ANYWAYS! after a god 15 minutes of that it was time to go home... as sad as i was to leave. lol

then guess who i called... poppet. thats right... andrew. lol and met him simon alexander and david at tims on 51st. it was a jolly good time then we all decided we wanted to go out for a walk... or climb things... because alexander is a wanker. thats right. i said it... always with the mooning of people and the left/right testicle... lol oh well.

after that was the wonderous time of just walking. i enjoy walking, a lot actually. any who as we were walking the random topics of shitting, farting, and well naturally masterbation. lol what kind of time do you go out with alexander and one of these things don't come up. honeslty. it's like a must thing to talk about when around him. any ways...

all n all it was a good night. just being random and walking around yelling things at cars that can't hear you... the threat of some one mooning a car, talk of knock knock ginger, or egging some random persons house because well just because. i miss those days sometimes. how you can spend an entire summer doing nothing because you can. oh well... each summer has it's highlights and i'm sure this year will not disapoint.

in the words of Santa... "To all a good night"

Saturday, April 15, 2006

You know how your like 12 and you have a diary... and you write in it all the time...
about how yuou like the cute boy in your class or how you did something fun at reccess... man i miss those days. anyways.

blogs are the new age diary.

you all know it's true... you write down your thoughts, how you feel, what you did and what not. so really all we are doing is making it so that people can see and voice their oppinions on them.
but really we aren't putting EVERYTHING in it like we would a diary.

mind you there were somethings i would never put in my diary... why? because i had two older brothers. one was devoted to making my life hell. the other devoted to making his life hell for making mine hell... funny how that works huh. (why i decided to put this in here i have no idea. my brothers sure aren't like that now. mind you we still have our fights but pft nothing like they were... why? cause we all have cars and leave so we don't have to put up with any BS.)

now me being the smart and profound person i am... just realized this is what is happening. really i don't mind it either. i like to share with people what is going on in my life. even more so now that i don't see most of you as much as i used to. with that said. I miss you all!

now with THAT said. here is why. as Sara and Kate and most likely a whole bunch of other people know. I have this little thing with commitment or in other words it's hard for me to trust people. so when i do i don't like to lose them as friends or lose touch with them. so really. this is my way of keeping in touch with people.

so. now that i have had my fill of being honest and all open. i'm going to continue on with being the 'lovely' girl you all know me to be... :D... somethings will never change. lol
Jamie... lol this is hilarious. I love it...
Sara... You have a brilliant idea for the format... i loved it so much... i borrowed it!

M - Success comes easily to you.
I - love is something you deeply believe in
C - You definitely have a partier side in you
H - you have very good personality and looks
E - You are popular with all types of people
L - You are always smiling and making others smile.
L - You are always smiling and making others smile.
E - You are popular with all types of people

B - You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people
R - You are a social butterfly.
I - love is something you deeply believe in
A - You always want some action.
N - You can be very "FUN"
N - You can be very "FUN"
E - You are popular with all types of people

L - You are always smiling and making others smile.
O - You love foreplay
E - You are popular with all types of people
W - You are very broad minded.
E - You are popular with all types of people
N - You can be very "FUN"

A - You always want some action.
B - You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people
C - You definitely have a partier side in you
D - You have trouble trusting people.
E - You are popular with all types of people
F - Fake.
G - You are very friendly and undestanding
H - you have very good personality and looks
I - love is something you deeply believe in
J - Everyone loves you.
K - You like to try new things.
L - You are always smiling and making others smile.
M - Success comes easily to you.
N - You can be very "FUN"
O - You love foreplay
P - You are very friendly and understanding
M - Success comes easily to you.
Q - You are a hypocrite.
R - You are a social butterfly.
S - People think you are sexy, especially your bf/gf
T - You have an attitude, a big one.
U - you usally r hella tight
V - you are not judgemental
W - You are very broad minded.
X - You never let people tell you what to do.
Y - you always make every experience Great

Friday, April 14, 2006

So last night was definatly JD peppercorns night. lol saw way to many people there from back in the day. Nick, Sean, and Mark showed up that was pretty good. it was just a good time sitting there listen to nickel say how hot some people were and then i would tell him they look 12... lol just like always.

yesterday was such a long freakin day. started off slow at work, like not getting any phone calls, then they just wouldn't stop. i didn't like it. it finally slowed down at around 10 - 10:30 like it usually does. the fact that i have to work today (good friday) is only good cause well it's time and a half. so i really don't mind i need the money.

for those of you who don't know i shall inform. lol i need new tires on my car because of all the effing pot holes my front drivers side tire has a buldge... NOT GOOD! *arg* any who i also got the oil changed in my car couple days ago. and the nice little boys at the great canadian oil change were worried about my driving like that... i should go back and tell them they can feel safe again... hah.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

So... here i am. stiff... why you ask? ohhhh it's my own doing thats for sure. Thats what i get for giving a massage for a really long time... well at least sitting like that. You all know what i'm talking about. when you sit on some one's butt so you can give them a back massage. yeah. i was like that. and now i'm really stiff. lol oh well. it was a good night. ANYWAYS!

I am in one heck of a mood right now... maybe because last night at like 1am i went for mc donalds and as i am sitting there talking with David about how those crazy people in mc donalds are being slow (ps my window was down) lol next thing i know "it's slow because they ordered 30 cheese burgers" well that shut me up. don't lie... it would shut you up to... BUT! after ordering 6 cheese burgers some fries a drink and a mcflurry (between the 2 of us! i'm not that hungry) we get back to poppet's house... he's asleep.

i was really tempted to like shove a french fry in his mouth or nose or something really mean like that but i just ate them instead. so FINALY we get the movie and then the VCR decides it was hungry to... so it tried to eat the tape. lol it was pretty funny at the time. cause it was making this really weird noise and then we tried to take the tape out and it was just kinda hanging there... so we took pictures. naturally.

so we get the movie in SUPER TROOPERS! lol it was pretty awesome time. but yes after the movie we are all tired...except poppet... crazy kid. any who FINALY i go home at like 4... and crashed. it was glorious. i love sleeping. i've become used to going back to sleep when i get woken up early. anytime before 1pm... definatly to early.

can you blame me? I work late. Stay out later. and sleep just as long. it's a good way to be.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ever wonder why when you like some one you do the strangest things?
like if they don't call when they say they will if they do at all... then you get worried...
then you think about it and realize it was probably becuase of something silly like they just fell asleep.

or you know you should trust them... but then you see something and all that trust goes down the toilet... then they don't bother to try and explain. maybe it's just me. nope. that street goes both ways. but that thought always just kinda creeps in and stays there. no matter what logic you have, or even if you have the best reasoning it's still there...

now this could all just be the ramblings of some one who hasn't had a relationship last more than a week... SO! can you really blame me for being a little bit of a pesamist when it comes to things like this in my life? it's almost like trying to be posative when there is nothing to be posative about...

don't get me wrong. i'm happy with my life. i have a good job, i can always just jump in my car and drive around for a bit, i have great friends. i know they will be there for me if i need them, and they know that i will always be there for them...always...but still... the thoughts are always there...

i haven't really been looking for a relationship lately. i've just kinda been looking for things to keep me buzy so i don't have time to think about it. work helps. so does staying up late so that when you come home you just fall asleep as soon as you get in bed...

just a thought... maybe it's just me?
well... yesterday was definatly saturday night! and well it was pretty random. so after getting my parents out of the house so THEY could go drinking.
lol i went on my way so I could go to the Pat. but naturally since it's close to finals people were studying. lol so who did i go with??

Brad Hankewich... that was an interesting time. lol well it was a good time cause i dunno. just was all the dancing n such. any who. after having a bunch of people who were supposed to call me not. i just kinda said eff that. so then we were just coming back from dancing and who do i see? ash.
so we come we go. it's the usual kinda dealy. then well i see Brady and his twin brother Taylor. now it's really odd because they look the same but they don't.
met Brady's girlfriend Michelle. lol she's nice.
any who me and Taylor go off dancing naturally of course then when we are done we are just kinda standing by the back door to cool off. and i decided i would go look for ash.
mainly because taylor was being all touchy feely. kinda creeped me out.
but yes. shortly after that me and ash decided we should hang out today. and then i took brad home and i went home myself. changed fell asleep to Teddy Geiner. and that... was my night.

all n all... it was a pretty good time.