Sunday, October 29, 2006

It was a one night Extravagansa!

My weekend... Was definatly odd, but in that good sort of way. Friday I went on a pub crawl with Sara, Brent, Curt, Curt, Matty, Jessica, Lessley, Michelle... There was just a lot of people. lol. Now this was after 3 costume changes that I decided to be a pirate, and Sara after no costume changes was definatly a greek goddess. Then it was off to JT's. Where it was time to eat something at least... not much, but definatly something. From JT's Matty and Jessica left us. This was at like 9pm. I so made fun of him for being old, cause 22 is really old right? anyways

Then the next bar was The Scuz. When we got there who should be randomly standing outside the door but Morgan. I wanted to stay and talk but Sara wouldn't let me for 2 reasons... One! We had to go dancing, and Two! we had to go dancing. lol really she just didn't want me to hit on him. At that time worked because I couldn't find him again after that. But that was okay because drinks were downed and it was definatly one of those I'm dancing and drinking and don't care about anything else kinda times. On the way out we definalty saw Sarah, Carrie, and Phil. Two hookers and a preist... Only Phil would do that.

The next bar after that was definatly the Hose! Man I love that place. Mainly just because the entire top floor is the dance floor. More drinks were had, and Sara started to get drunk. Now Sara definatly said that she wasn't getting drunk that night. It was a complete lie. She got really, really drunk. Then Greg showed up! With the random dancing with Mr. Pozniak and Curtis Hermanson it was just a good time aswell, because well... I hadn't seen Greg since the summer and well since he is basically like my brother it was definatly good to see him agian. That and the next time I do he'll probably be laughing while giving me some sort of stupid ticket because he can...

Finally we made it back to the OD! Where we tried to get Tone (Said like Tony) to let us in the side door but he just laughed and told us to go in the front. So we did! Now there at the OD was Morgan. I swear that boy was stalking me, but not really. So me being in the drunken state I was in didn't notice that I had dropped my cell phone. Really I wasn't worried because I was drunk as a mo fo. Actually I definatly thought it was really kinda funny... At the time. But I did get it back because the bouncer for the pub crawl found it on the bus. BUT! back to the story. Now since Sara was drunk, and Morgan was there. I started hitting on him. Now this may not have been the best thing because well I did go out with him before... But I'm pretty sure I was just being myself and a bitch all at the same time when I did go out with him so (I was thinking about this while I was sober) But I definatly felt bad even when I was drunk when he brought it up. So naturally I gave him a ride to his car... After more dancing and everything. Well actually my mom gave him the ride.

Then Borah, Sara and I went to McDicks, had our junk food and I watched Thumbalina... Thats right! I watched Thumbalina till the room stopped spinning and went to bed. Mainly I just needed to get some water in my system and wait till the room stopped spinning. I think some where between dropping Sara off and getting into bed Katie called. But I don't really remember that much.

Baby not the usual, tonight we gettin' unpredictable!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Updated Update

Alright... So today being Thursday it's naturally Branch night. I'm pumped and definatly won't stay long. why you ask? One because I'm going with Gabe who always makes me tired from dancing, and Two because I figure if I get really tired and just pass out then I don't have to deal with the though of Graham. At all. That or I'll just talk to Rob (I met him at the OD like a buzzilion months ago. But really just like 2) till around 1am again THEN pass out.
But!! Enough about that. Lets talk about last night. It was, in just one word, amazing. Katie was the all time best cock block ever, Jackie was forced to dance with us or we would make random dancing moves at her just to be stupid, and it was just good.
I missed strutting around like I own the place and paying attention to all of the people around me like I used to. Now mind you I didn't make out with any one last night but I can always fix that on the weekend and you should all be proud that I have a "date" this sunday.
Thats right. I said it... A "date". Now I should really explain this. The Rob guy that I've been talking to decided we needed to hang out (I apparently had no choice in the matter) and that I think if I remember right we are going to see the Jackass 2 movie. I can live with that, meet him there, watch the movie, go home, go to bed. Sounds good to me!
On a side note I've decided that Sin Wagon by the Dixie Chicks is the best song for me ever. Now for those of who don't know the song and don't care to listen because IT IS COUNTRY. here are the lyrics.

He pushed me 'round now I'm drawin' the line
He lived his life now I'm gonna go live mine
I'm sick on wastin' my time
Well now I've been good for way too long
Found my red dress and I'm gonna throw it on
'Bout to get too far gone
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Need a little bit more of my tweleve ounce nutrition
One more helpin' of what I've been havin'
I'm takin' my turn on the sin wagon
On a mission to make something happen
Feel like Delilah lookin' for Samson
Do a little mattress dancin'
That's right I said mattress dancin'
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Need a little bit more of what I've been missin'
I don't know where I'll be crashin'
But I'm arrivin' on a sin wagon
When it's my turn to march up to old glory
I'm gonna have one hell of a story
That's if he forgives me
Oh, lord please forgive me
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Need a little bit more of that sweet salvation
They may take mewith my feet draggin'
But I'll fly away on a sin wagon
I'll fly away on a sin wagon
Beautiful not just for show...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Wow... that was... Oddly sort of expected.

HOKAY! SO! lol you should all know right from the start I am in such a happy mood and it really doesn't make sense. I'll share why! :D So i suppose it all really started with saturday night. That was amazingly amazing (you should all go read it if you haven't "Pat-urday" ) anyways. I omitted a few things that I wasn't at the moment proud of. But right now in light of a few things am damned proud of. Mainly the fact that I made out with a totaly hot guy i've had a thing for, for a while now. ANYWAYS!

Just so you all know Graham and I are done. Over, finished... You get the idea. HERE"S WHY! He... about a week and a half ago... Started going out with his Ex. Now mind you she didn't know for sure about him and I but thought that we were a little more that friends as he said. Jackass. any ways. Right now as I'm typing this I'm definatly letting him have it. Now mind you I'll still talk to him and everything because i'm not really THAT evil. Though he really deserves it.

So now I was honestly going to stay home and be all sad and shit. Boy am I glad I went over to Jackies for that Shrimp night. Best thing of my life. Honeslty. I'm in love with that stuff, that and the fact that i would probably barf if I ever saw food again. But I love it. Being around those guys was definatly what I needed tonight. Note to self and everyone else. When going through a rough time. Eat shrip, Pie, and Icecream till you can't eat anything else, add some music, dancing, and back rubs and you've got yourself a sure cure for the blues!!!

I wanna shout out! Take me away!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

It needed to be said

Okay... So this is kind of random but I think I just need to get it off of my chest. I know I've told you that things with my personal life (Not with you guys, but one individual. Most of you should know who I'm talking about.) but thinking things over today because I had nothing better to do I started to wonder if they really were... So since he stopped hiding from the world things have been a little differnent. I haven't even talked to him since I think it's been a week and a half. Which by my standards is definatly time for a new person in my life.

Now that being said I don't know if i want a new person in my life. I think I just want that one, but if he doesn't talk to me then really what is the point? Now this all really started last night when I was drunk-ish and sitting on Tim's kitchen floor and I sent him a text to which he never replied. So naturally when 2am rolled around I started wondering if he was hiding from the world again. If he did that AGAIN I'm done. I really don't want to be but I can only take so much.

Now thats a little bit of my usual self coming through. I guess you could say I get bored really easy but I think that I've changed a little bit in the last month and a half. Call it the new Michelle in the relationship department. I certainly had a lot of fun having a new boy every week or so, but lately I've decided it's really nice to have the same one to. On that note I'm also kind of jealous of those of you who do have that and at the same time I'm glad I did things the way I did.

Anyways back to the topic at hand. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Even though waiting is definatly not something I do well when it comes to this particular person but I certainly need to do this just to see if I can. Then tomorrow I can decide what I want to do with him. Is he worth me waiting for or am I just attached to some one who really isn't worth waiting for...

To dark to see tomorrow, These dark clouds are hangin' all around me


alright. so. last night was amazingly amazing. Why? i have no idea. well. i have a little bit of an idea so i guess i should explain. the night started off with Michelle G and Mary coming to get me and all 3 of us going to Tims house. Thats where the drinking began. I was pretty trashed by the time we actually left Tims to go to the Pat.
So in the car was Tim, myself, Zennan, Mary, Michelle G, and Kyle. when we got there we basically walked in and it was a good time right form the get go. Saw a bunch of people I knew, my cousin April, Curts friends like Kish, Steve G and Joel were there, and Damon saw him again. Then there was just a little more drinking. Honesly. I only had 2 shots, and 2 Rye n Coke. Shocking I know. But i was already drunk and just needed to keep the buzz up so that's what I did. Along with a lot of dancing, and just randomly hitting on guys but never stopping to talk at all. So really it was the obvious look up and down, make eye contact, smile, and move on. Really it was just one of those nights where I felt and looked good and made the night about it.
The ride home was really good to. cause Tims car was cold and we started talking with these random guys who turned out to be parked beside us. We were also making random hand prints on peoples cars just for kicks. So after laughing more and just being drunk we were finaly at Mary's house. We said our good-bye's, and Zennan and Kyle were goofing around on Mary's front lawn so we finally just went inside.
After getting into our pj's and all of us of course needed our phones. I didn't need mine at all really I just wanted to feel important so i took it lol. Then after we all said good-night to Kyle cause he called Mary. mostly it was Mary and him talking and Michelle G and I were just being silly. We all curled up in the King size bed that used to be Hailey's and just went to sleep. We all got woken up a little while later by Michelle G's phone going off but I didn't really notice. The next thing I knew it was 9am and we were leaving to get Mary's car and take me home...
I'm bringin sexy back! yeah!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Random Wednesday Afternoon

You know those days where you just want to go home and hide from the world? I had of of those today. Almost. I definatly kicked off from work early and came home. Since no one was home I did something I haven't done in a very long time. Went for a walk. It was the most glorious thing I've done in months. Mind you it was almost cold so I did wear a jacket and gloves but other than that it was amazing. I needed to just be, not have to worry about anything and just walk.

Well after my walk I was in such a good mood I decided I needed new shoes. Mainly because of when I was walking my old ones were killing my feet. So I bought two new pairs... and a hat. I almost went and got gel nails but decided against it because I don't really have the money for them right now. So I figure if i really want them I can wait till next month or something and get them. Everything good is definatly worth waiting for.

As far as later tonight goes. It should be a pimpin time. I'm so in the mood to just go out with the girls and have one hell of a time. That and the fact that I talked to Graham and everything is good now just makes the entire day that much better. Well that and the fact that Sara got an iPod. How that makes my day, I'm still working on that but I just decided it did.

From red lights and to midnights, Stars are lonely and bare!

I love you Kate. Even if you are Anti-social.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

HA! what up yo?

OkaY! so i'm in a really funky mood... why you ask? well i guess i should share!

Mainly because I went out with Sara and Mikey tonight. It's been a while since we've all just chilled together... Well... Spooned, watched movies, and had masages... while talking about recent events and well just being us. I missed it. A lot actually. But i was done tonight and it was amazingly amazing! HA!

Work was actually pretty gosh darn good. it wasn't uber slow, but it wasn't uber buzy either. JUST RIGHT! hah. and well with Carrie, on one side and Michelle on the other side of me how can you go wrong? well... that and Carrie showed me the pictures from Phil-a-palooza on saturday which was definatly amazign! that was one of the best pub crawls i've been on in a while. YAY for Carrie and Phil!!

I don't know what three really is. but i thought there should be 3... you know. like the three muscateer's. or a 3 some. it's just one of those numbers you need. with two it feels like your missing something. with three it's like 'ohhhh yeah!' but really I think 3 is about well. boys. or lack of them because something potentially tragic happened. well guess what. I get it. I do. really. More that you will ever know. (unless your Sara. She knows everything) But really. You can ignore every one else and hide if you want. but it really hurts myself because I don't get to see you. and that makes me sad. so i'll do what I need to do and what I need to do is talk to you. You know who you are...

They call me Mr. Boombastic!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

That friday night.

Okay so last night was pretty good. I mean naturally it had it's not so good moments. It basically started after I got home from work when Kate asked if I wanted to go see "Man of the Year" and waited a good 20 min for our freaking food cause neither of us had eaten we got hot dogs. The ladie ahead of us had her pizza before the hot dogs. We all kinda got really mad at the guy making them and he put some more hussle into it. kinda funny to watch really. Anyways the movie was awesome and hilarious.

Then it was off to Sara's for a little bonding, drinking and getting ready for bowling. which went really well. there was lauging, pictures, drinking, dancing. just an all around good time. I even got a "new" pair of bowling shoes. (Thank you Dana!) So as to the plan I went with Sara to the OverDrive. Once there we went and found Mia, and even Kurt ( miss that boy). After saying Hi to our bouncer friends and Tony the hot dog guy. we were standing by Chase when Gerrit called. I guess he had gotten the wrong idea from Sara at bowling and her saying that she would get his V-card if she beat him. But kudo's to her for staying calm and talking to him about it quickly. Mia and myself both would have just hung up very early on in the conversation.

After that we went and talked to Tyler because well. he's funny and cute and Sara needed to calm down. True to form he did the job very well. How can you stay mad when some one litterally shakes there ass in your face from on top of a box? honestly? lol.

Personally I had my own moments where it was kinda odd. one. Todd, and Morgan were there. and yes I have dated them both. Todd I'm used to seeing and talking to a little, Morgan not so much... not that I really talked to him at all. but Todd was being very strange. Usually it's just "hey, whats up" and we move on... No this time he actually stopped and wanted to talk to me. I almost felt like an animal traped in a corner or something. That and the hugging. That was odd. I mean don't get me wrong, I hug all of my guy friends all the time. Thats just the way it goes, but this was kinda odd... I don't know how to explain it but it wasn't really comfortable for me.

Other than that it was a good night of non drinking and dancing in rediculous clothes. AKA bunny hugs because we were outside so much we just decided to keep them on. it was pretty funny the looks we got. But yep, after attacking some people we knew with Balloons like oh I don't know Brandon and his friends. and staying till close it was finaly time to go home at almost 3am. Then it was just time to crash and thats exactly what i did...

I'm sitting and sweating to a song on the joints P.A.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


So... It's the middle of the day and I've definatly shut myself into my computer room... Why you ask? I don't know really. I just put my iTunes on shuffle and went. I did some stuff to my Nex page, and this one aswell... well I guess you can see that. but really I've just been kinda thinking... But i'll back track a little to give some background.

Last night as I was laying in bed waiting for Graham to text me or call me while I was watching SATC (Sex and the City) any ways finally I just decided to go to sleep because well I always some how wake up whenever he does. When for everyone else I just keep on sleeping. So after about 10 min of me just laying there my phone goes off... It was Sara... Ohhh Madagascar. ANYWAYS. But then He sent one and told me that he was talking with his friend and he would call later... but morning comes, no call...

So i roll my ass outta bed and go for breakfast. after scraping my car off and getting there it was good. I was really really tired tho cause well... It was 7am. lol so I came home and had myself a good ol nap. I slept till about maybe 11? Then I got ready for lunch with Sara. After picking her up from the U of S we went to BP's and well I decided I would ask Graham how last night went since he never called. Turns out things didn't go so well and after I replied I put it to the back of my mind... sorta. actually I just started drinking. But in reality i only had one.

After lunch it was off to Alexander's house... why? I have no idea. but it was a good time nun the less. with all of the random shit that him and Jordan and Gerrit do... It was bound to be a good time. That and the fact that well we did have a drink with lunch that hit me harder than I thought it would. but definatly not drunk. not even close.

But yeah I came home cause well Sara had her rowing at 4 and I needed to be at home. to just think, and decompress. so here I am decompressing. about what? I'm not to sure. About what a good afternoon I had? or because of the fact that I want to know what happened last night with Graham but don't want to ask because in all honesty what would I say? How do you really expressin words when your instincts tell you to just hug them and let them talk. Maybe it's just that I hate the fact that he lives so far. or that I seem to be falling and I don't know what to do. Ususally I just run before this even happens or I figure out that it would never happen and move on anyways. "But it seems there's always somethin right there to remind me. Like a silly joke, or somethin on the t.v. Boy it aint easy" (P.S - Rihanna) I just don't know why the heck I had to go and do this with some one who actually lives like 10 hours away... I know I'll be okay, but it's just that odd day where something happens and I get slightly depressed. But fortunatly tonight I'm going to the OD with Sara because it's Spencer's 20th Birthday. That and I usually just listen to Go to sleep - Swollen Members. It makes me feel better.

We just met and I'm afraid one day I might lose you...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm sorry your royal Bar-ness.

So basically I've been having the best weekend i've had in a really really long time. Now usually you know how you have one good day and the rest are just kinda so so? well not this girlie. Alright so Friday I after work I just kinda lounged around helped my mom pack because they were going away for the weekend. Then I decided I needed food (and Curt called and i got him some to) then I went to pick up Katie because well we were supposed to be going to The Roxy on broadway to meet her new intrest Ash. Now I was the one who kinda introduced them but anyways after Ash was like an hour late of when he said he would be there i started getting really bored n wanted to go the Scuz well because thats where Kate, Sara, and Katherine were... But no. I waited with Katie for another like 45 min before I was like ... Eff this shit. Katie we are going. and well... she really was just all bummed that Ash had "ditched her" but well. I was kinda sick of hearing about it. I mean i love the girl to death but man can she complain about the same thing for hours then go "what should i do?" how the hell should i know? ANYWAYS! I took Katie back to the Roxy because she wasn't having any fun and apparently Ash had showed up like right after we left. But when I got back to the Scuz man was it a good night. A ton of people from MMGCI showed up and it was pretty amazing.

Saturday I did nothing as well... just kinda lounged around watched a bunch of movies that were on the Tv and got ready for the next night because well... It was Branch night. and it was awesome. lol mainly because of all of the good dancing but holy cow. anyways. Brandon's B-day pub crawl was there shortly after we arrived and he was tanked already it was great. I signed his shirt and gave him a birthday peck. and then basically went and danced up a storm with Gabe, Danny, Luke, Sara, Michelle G, Katherine, and Bre! it was basically the best ever. lol then there was the random Cowboy... Really cute, asked me to dance and was like "sure" well he couldn't really dance at all and it was rediculously hard to follow his ryhthm... anyways. after that i went back to Talk to Sara and Curt who had shown up some where in there from a wedding. (ps. he so wouldn't let me wear his tie. jerk. lol) and this random girl walks up and was like "hey i'm so n so and you were dancing with the random cowboy and he really likes you blah blah blah" i didnt' have the heart to tell her i was seeing some one. plus i was just planning on ignoring him the rest of the night. but finally Sara was like "i'm just going to go tell him" and she did... but oh man i was not expecting the answer she gave me. that guy had a g/f to. i was like "whaaaa?" Sara was like "wtf?" and we were all confused. but then whenever he came to talk to me after that i was bascially like "uh huh... yeah..." and would just walk away right when he was talking to me. I think he got the hint. anyways. after an interesting dance with Smella. only to be explained as... he would spin me out and go "YA!" in the cowboy kinda way. lol i was laughing so hard i could hardly dance. funniest think of my life. but then me and Sara had a picnic in her living room vented about a few things, and well it was off to home with me and bed for her. I came home to was SATC. and the crashed. and now here I am in my pj's.

Hold my beer! While I kiss your girlfriend!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Rant, Rave, and Vent... Ish..

Okay. so i've noticed either on MSN, or on here that the general feeling is that people are pissing other people off. well i'm definatly being pissed off by people. but really unlike everyone else it's mostly just at work. and sure i laugh and stuff but really i don't want to be there becuase of the mood i'm in. mainly because the first call of the day is usually some stupid ass hole with a conversation that goes like this.

"I need to cancel my reservation..."
m- "okay do you have the confirmation number?"
m- "may i get your last name please?"
"insert last name"
m- "and your date of arrival"
"um... the 18th i think... or it might be the 22nd..."
m - "alright, and which hotel was this at?"
"...i don't know. somewhere in southern California"

One... we have a buzzilion hotels in southern calafornia

oh yeah... and thats not including all the fun people who don't speak english... at least the people who speak Spanish know to ask if WE speak it. then we say NO and put them to people who can... GOSH! any ways...

I have become one of those people who... *gasp* rolls their change... i decided i would start with the pennies... theres $12... IN PENNIES! how does that happen? the nickles was another $20. i laughed pretty hard becuase i still have the quarters and dimes to do... but it really is a good savings plan. why? because well you don't want to use them because well you don't want to carry it around. it's even better if you work at a place where you get change as a tip. because then you can just put it straight into a jar (or in my case a Bacardi texas micky bottle) and well... just let it fill. i'm going to be seriously impressed if i have like $75... which i prolly will.

but other than that i've been staying home. a good savings program to! i realized how much i go out when i was called 3 times to go to the OverDrive on wednesday. honestly. My dad called. Katie called, and Spencer called. but no! I stayed home curled up with the wonderfulness of SATC and had a bubble bath. it was amazing. mind you i did have a mini melt down but i basically got over that.

now really i don't ever tell any one about my mini melt downs. i basically just keep them to myself and i'm good in like a half an hour. but then i started talking to Graham and well he picked up on the fact that i wasn't doing to stellar. but like i said i just needed to get some stuff off of my chest. and i was good. it was probably a really good thing that the stuff i needed to say involved him. and again with the talking. a couple cracks about him being my knight in shining aluminum... and it was off to bed so that i could go to the Branch with 16 loonies... that right... 16 Loonies!!

It's hot or cold... no in between.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Swollen Members!

Okay! SO!

tee hee. I'm still giggling from last night. okay. okay. So last night was the Swollen Members concert at The Roxy. So I went with Katie and was sitting with some people I knew and well basically just waiting for the show to start. Then all of a sudden this random walks up and says "hey, wanna go on the tour bus?" of course you all know how much i like Swollen Members... Hell yes I went on that bus! Okay. so it's a little intimidating walking up to this Giant black bus. but i was definatly to excited to do anything BUT smile.

So i walk on the bus. First things i saw... TV, Mirror on the roof, with a rope light around it that changed color, a half naked Prevail (Very nice by the way) and Rob the Viking. yep. So there I am talking with Rob and drinking the Red Bull and Vodka he made for me (those get me really hyper FYI) basically just havin a jolly good time, when freaking Mad Child and Prevail come out from the back and i kid you not start doing something that looks a lot like the running man. funniest thing of my life.

But then the show started... ish. i went back inside before they got off the bus. ANYWAYS! I managed to get myself right up front on stage between a bunch of random people. then the show started. with all of the jumping and heat and everything (i know this is gross but kinda funny) I managed to sweat through my holter top and my zip up. lol but it was great because since i had met them on the bus they kept coming over and grabbing my hand and stuff right in front. lol all the people around me were like "wtf"

ANY WAYS! the show ended and well i went to go clean up in the bathroom but definatly got side tracked when I saw Prevail standing there signing something. lol so i did what i do best. bought him a shot and got a picture. he's amazingly nice. he was even helping Katie sell shots. lol it was awesome. But then i went and finaly cleaned up and agian some how managed to get back on the bus. (Oh P.S Rob the Viking has song A.D.D... )

but yeah after rocking out with they for a little while i decided it was time to head home. so i said Bye to Rob the Viking, after he tried to get me to stay. lol almost like he had a thing for me. but alas... he's just to short! lol! said good-bye to Katie, and Ash. got into my car cranked up the new Swollen Members album Black Magic, and rocked out all the way home.

To a perfect combination, once this passion is unleashed

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Small update & Money vs. Memories.

Okay... so as you all may know i've been sucked into the wonderful world of Sex and the City (A.k.a. - SATC) i'm in love with it. it's amazing. even though i'm definatly just starting to watch all of the seasons (Which Kate wonderfully lent to me) I can't get enough. If i was at home right now i would not be on here. I would be in my room watching more of it. and I have one heck of a tight schedul... this is how it's going...

**Tonight i'm going out with supper with Katie before we go to the Swollen Members concert and taking her to work. It's going to be amazing!
** Every other day, I get to go to work, try and stay all day, fail miserably come home. and basically watch SATC. and talk to Graham...

the real only exception to that is that on wednesday's I go dancing with Katie, and Sara for a little while and Thursday's I go to the Long Branch.... thats it. that is my life right now. and you know what? I'm perfectly happy with it.

I know that there are a few things that maybe i shouldn't be doing... like oh i don't know... SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY!! lol but it's not that i'm going out all the time no. It's just little things. lunch here. a 2 hour long distance phone call on my cell phone... going to a concert. but hell i really don't care. I'm 19. and I'm very happy with the way things are going right now.

Any one can save and have a lot of money in they bank but can they say that they enjoyed every minute of the time that it was just sitting in the bank? I don't really think so. I would rather spend my money on making memories than on actual things because to me those memories are priceless. like all of the time that the girls and I spent in Sylvan Lake. i would do it all again even tho i'm still broke one month later.

Yep. thats my stance on the whole thing. i would rather be happy and broke that "rich" and miserable. mainly just because you guys rock. but hey. not everyone can have kick ass friends.

Thats all they really wannt... Is some fuuun!

What a Saturday night!

Okay so last night was definatly Mary's birthday bash! it was pretty amazing except for a few parts. lol it started pretty weird. so there i was almost at the Hose and well Mary called and asked where I was... lol Courtney had forgotten her ID at Mary's. so I did some pretty fancy driving and made it back to Mary's and then back to the Hose in about 25 min. so we get there and there was dancing and drinking... then they CLOSED! i know it was really weird. it was because they had no water or something. really weird.

so after that we slowly made our way over to Lydia's. basically across the street. and definatly got in for free. but then it was time to decide where to go next. The Pat was out of the question because it was already 10:30 and by the time we would have gotten there it would definatly be 11 and they we would have never gotten in... so then we were stuck between The Scuz, or the OD. well some people didn't want to go to the Scuz, and some didn't wanna go to the OD. it was a freaking Gong show. not even kidding. Mary was upset and sober which definatly should never happen on a 19th B-day and me and Katherine were like... "this sucks". so when we finally went to the OD it was good. we were drinking, and dancing and just doing random stuff. I went and saw Tony (the new hot dog guy) Chase, and Tyler was there to BUT! he wasn't working, and he just got back from Calgary. broke some guy's arm in a UFC competition. apparently it's going to be on TV next week. go Tyler! lol

Then around 2 we left to go get Courtney because she didn't come with us to the OD so it was off to get her, and that in it's self was a show. honestly. people who are drunk and in serious relationships shouldn't try and have a conversation when one is upset because the other is being dumb and drunk. anyways! by the time i got home and everything it was basically 3am. BUT! did i go t bed? NO! lol I stayed up and watched SATC (aka, Sex and the City) it's amazing. i'm in love with it. that and i was talking to Graham. but mostly just SATC. well that was till he called. then we talked for about half an hour and finaly went to bed around what... maybe 5am? or pretty close to it.

that was my night... full of dancing, getting twins mixed up. no really. lol a friend of mine has a twin brother. i definatly didn't know that. then coming home and seeing a sock... on a door knob... best part of the night right there. besides all of the other good stuff.

You look like you came to do one thing... set it off!