Friday, November 10, 2006

Just cause I could.

I know it's been a while... But i've been buzy not doing things. Which is almost a complete lie. I've been going out, for coffee, went to the OD wednesday, the Branch thursday. Definatly got drunk with out meaning to on Thursday. Thats what I get for making friends with a guy who's friends are buying a bunch of shots and knowing the shooter girl who is selling them... OH WELL! But yes. I have thoughts. not. haha.

Anyways. I'm just going to ramble on about nothing really just because I need to decompress otherwise I could explode. I know we wouldn't want that. Well I wouldn't. Things are good, for the most part. I dislike the amount of snow on the ground. But you all know I don't like snow unless I'm snowboarding, or doing something almost as rediculous. Really though have you noticed that? Whenever it snows or rains or anything else other that sunshine people drive like fucktards. Mind you I understand that they are being cautious but at the same time FUCK OFF!! UHG!!!

Now see that right there is how I've been all week. I can be happy one minute and fuming with anger the next. Almost like flipping on a light switch. Why that is I have no idea, and really don't care either. The people who piss me off don't matter, and the poeple who matter... Well they still piss me off just not nearly as much if at all. So naturally I'll deal with it and get over myself if you're important. Most are not.

In the boy department... I'm just not going to get into that because well I don't even know what the fuck is going on. I don't. I've already got enought drama in that department and I'm not even technically seeing any one! AHH! I'm going to become a nun... But we all know how well that would work out. Not well at all. I would last about 3 seconds then some guy would walk by or something and I would totaly just walk after him. But seriously my love life hates me.

If ya got a man, try and leave him if ya can

1 comment:

Alex said...

I like how you call me Alexander. It makes me happy.