Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Make You Smile...

The last time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't see you with the Sun shining in my eyes
I said "Hello" but you kept on walking
I'm going deaf from the sound of the freeway
The Last time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't hear you with your voice ringing in my ears
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night
I couldn't feel you, your always so far away
The first time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't see you with the smoke getting in my eyes
I said "Hello" but you kept on walking
I'm going deaf from the sound of the DJ
The first time I saw you, you turned away
I couldn't hear with the noise ringing in my ears
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night
I couldn't feel you, your always so far away
I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you would stay with me a while
The next time I see you, you'll turn away
I'll say "Hello" but you'll keep on walking
The next time you see me, I'll turn away
Do you remember where we used to sleep at night,
I couldn't feel you, you're always so far away
I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone I
f I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you would stay with me a while
I don't, don't wanna take you home
Please don't, don't make me sleep alone
If I could, I'd only want to make you smile
If you would stay with me a while

Monday, November 27, 2006

Oddly Optimistic

I did an odd thing today... Well more odd than usuall for myself anyway. While I was talking to Sara trying to get her to tell me what kind of coffee she wanted, I started talking to Graham Martin. Yes the same Graham mentioned in my previous posts. Why? I have no freakin clue, but it was definatly good. Mind you I suppose that would be because we always just sort of 'clicked' but still it was suprisingly easy considering he crapped all over my fellings.
Now don't get me wrong I'm still evil about it because I asked him why he wasn't having a good week or anything. Mainly because I'm in such a good mood this evening ( a thank you to Christmas Music). It seemed like the center of his problems were his work truck not starting, and his girlfriend I'm assuming. Now before I went on to ask him about these problems me being the person I am... Mentioned I loved my car because it always starts, and that I was happy with who I have around me and don't have any problems. Tee... Hee... Take that!!
Now after that was all said and done I suppose we just fell into the grove we once had. With out the flirting or anything like that. In two simple words, I Refuse. It's just that simple. Mind you I do understand that people who break up can get back together after time and be happy after they have experienced a few things and grown up and matured. Realisticly these things don' t happen very often and well I'm okay with just being friends. I like having friends.
That also being said I suppose I just forgive people easily. Now forgiving doesn't always mean forgetting, and depending on what I have to forgive I may never. But I really see no real reason in wasting time hating, or holding a grudge with some one when really it's over and done with leave it in the past. Mind you it's not like I'm going to start confiding in these people or ever fully trusting them with anything, but I do hold hope for the future...
I've got rhythm, I've got music, I've got my man... Who could ask for anything more?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Here I go again.

Ever have one of those days where everything goes right and nothing can take the smile off of your face? I love those days. Almost seems like nothing can touch you and you're invincible. I had one of those days. Best day ever. It started after I answered a text on my phone. Then it was off to watch cartoons, and Alfie at Mike's. Then I came home to shower and go shopping with the mom. Mind you it wasn't the kinda shopping I wanted but still it was a pretty awesome time.

The shopping was precided with watching of the TV, and eating of the chinese food. ORGASMIC! haha... Then randomly after Brent and Matty left for the 3 Days Grace, Theory of a Dead Man, and Mobile concert Brent called me. I was like "wtf mate?" apparently the girl they were going with (total nut case) her sister bailed on her and Brent asked if I wanted to go... FUCKIN RIGHTS I DID! I love my brother. Even if he is an asshole somtimes. ANYWAYS! The concert kinda sucked while mobile was on stage, got a little bit better with Theory of a Dead Man, and kicked total ass with 3Days Grace! I LOVED IT! Knew basically every song they played and definatly rocked out with the drum solo on the little intermission that they had.

And now I'm just sitting here waiting for Mike to come over because he said he would and well it just seems like a good ending to an even better day. I love days like today, where nothing goes wrong and you just feel like you're on cloud nine. Hell I am on cloud 9 and I"m definatly loving every minute of it. Every one definatly has days like today even if you don't want to say it. You all know what I'm talking about.

Over and over, I try not to...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Louis Tuesday!

Oh BOY! haha. Don't ask questions. But ya lately has been good. For those of you who don't know (most of you do know/ could have guessed) Morgan is out. Now I know this is bad because it's the second time BUT I actually have a reason this time and it's not just "I don't wanna any more". No, no, no. This time it's the fact that I can't actually talk to the boy. Plain, simple but definatly a very large part of seeing some one.
Any ways Last night (Tuesday) was definatly a really good night for me. I went to Sara's and then it was off to the university to see Riley's hockey game. That was a pretty good time dacing around listening to Justin Timberlake, yelling at the team (3 guys from PA), and the random phone calls. Mainly from me. I felt like talking to some one so I called Arlen... But he didn't answer because he was in a movie. Then I called Mike and talked to him for a little while, and Sara talked to him for a little while.
After the game we went back to Louis (we were definatly there before the game) and Mike and a few of his friends decided they would come. This was AFTER Katherine and Sara left unfortunatly. Then I got drunk. Honestly I didn't even plan or want to but it was that whole "I don't have to go to work tomorrow, and it's only one more" kinda deal. Stupid me. Then after Loui's decided that they weren't serving any more Mike, his friends, and myself decided to go somewhere else... I tried driving. Made it to Circle drive and then stopped in the middle of the road ( there definatly wasn't any other cars around ) and make Mike drive.
We ended up at Mike's house, watched some TV, did a little talking n such and well... I didn't get home till around 8am this morning. Nothing happened. I fell asleep for a little while I think. Either that or he's just rediculously easy for me to talk to and well time flys. Even though I got basically no sleep I'm okay with that. I enjoyed myself.
Can't nobody do it like you, said every little thing you do, said it stays on my mind.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

This is what happens when I work nights.

As I sit here listening to my random Justin Timberlake (thats right!! I LISTEN TO JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!) I got to thinking about the last few days. Or really just last night and today to be exact. Nothing overly special happened, but nothing overly boring.

Last night (Friday night) was a night of coffee, playing Wed, Bed, or Dead while picking people from my old year books. That was hilarious (Ps. Jordan I have your jacket right now) Then every one really got tired and just wanted to leave, but that was around 1ish I think. So then me and Sara decided to go to the Scuz because Brent, Matty, Sean, Graham, and Rhett had gone. Mainly I just wanted to go because I told them I would drive them home if they needed it, and would have ended up going there later any way. So after saving Brent from the "walking STD store", dancing with Buttons, and giving this guy Mike my number because he knew "The Twins" (Arlen, and Aaron) I came home, drove Matty home, and Crashed.

Today was a little less exciting. I got up, worked on the card I'd been working on for a guy I work for (Death in the family) and went shopping with Sara. Who knew that Lulu Lemon could have such nice pants... THAT WOULDN"T HAVE MY SIZE! friggen Those people should have more stock is what I say, because those pants were amazing. Now I know what you are all thinking and no they weren't just their normal kinda pants they have there. I wanted them even if they were like 100 and something. ANYWAYS! I went to work, and only really worked for about half my shift. After that it was "training" basically they just wanted to take people off the phones because we were already waiting like 20 min between calls. So for the last like hour and a half I was listening to my iPod, and playing on my gameboy.

The only really exciting thing that happened tonight while I was at work was that Mike actually called. You know how you expect some one to call and they never do? I was almost thinking he might do that. Now he did invite me to come out after I was done work at 1am but I defiantly didn't feel up to going. One: I just finished 'work'... Two: I definatly DIDN"T shower today. lol Now i know thats kinda gross but I did shower last night so whatever... and Three: I would probably only know like... Him. Really I didn't feel like going through that toinght. So I definatly just called him and told him we would hang out another time. That is my story. OHHHH!!!

K. Thursday after I was rediculously drunk I started hitting on this Curtis guy. (no not my brother) but then he came to the Scuz after I got there and came up and started talking to me. Thankfully Matty was sitting right beside me and definatly realized who he was cause I was telling him about Curtis earlier and well right after they shook hands Matty put his hand on my leg. Now Curtis noticed and kinda walked away proceeding to text me how i was loosing a good thing when i blew him off. Really why are guys so full of themselfs sometimes? Mind you girls are the same way but why? I don't really understand why when some one says that they aren't interested in you that you feel the need to go on a rant. It doesn't matter if it's a phone call, an e-mail, or some crazy texting thing. GET OVER IT! gosh. You obviously will move on and find some one else, why drag out what just happened with some one you don't even know? The only thing I can come up with is to repair your damaged ego, that really wasn't all that damaged to begin with. Stupid people. Okay... I'm done now... :D

The record won't stop skipping, and the lies just won't stop slipping...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Just cause I could.

I know it's been a while... But i've been buzy not doing things. Which is almost a complete lie. I've been going out, for coffee, went to the OD wednesday, the Branch thursday. Definatly got drunk with out meaning to on Thursday. Thats what I get for making friends with a guy who's friends are buying a bunch of shots and knowing the shooter girl who is selling them... OH WELL! But yes. I have thoughts. not. haha.

Anyways. I'm just going to ramble on about nothing really just because I need to decompress otherwise I could explode. I know we wouldn't want that. Well I wouldn't. Things are good, for the most part. I dislike the amount of snow on the ground. But you all know I don't like snow unless I'm snowboarding, or doing something almost as rediculous. Really though have you noticed that? Whenever it snows or rains or anything else other that sunshine people drive like fucktards. Mind you I understand that they are being cautious but at the same time FUCK OFF!! UHG!!!

Now see that right there is how I've been all week. I can be happy one minute and fuming with anger the next. Almost like flipping on a light switch. Why that is I have no idea, and really don't care either. The people who piss me off don't matter, and the poeple who matter... Well they still piss me off just not nearly as much if at all. So naturally I'll deal with it and get over myself if you're important. Most are not.

In the boy department... I'm just not going to get into that because well I don't even know what the fuck is going on. I don't. I've already got enought drama in that department and I'm not even technically seeing any one! AHH! I'm going to become a nun... But we all know how well that would work out. Not well at all. I would last about 3 seconds then some guy would walk by or something and I would totaly just walk after him. But seriously my love life hates me.

If ya got a man, try and leave him if ya can

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Okay... Where the hell do people come up with their ideas for songs? Really some are amazingly good. But then you get randoms like Brittany and crap who just sing stuff like "Pass me my guitar so I can look like a star" Please tell me she got hit by a bus and died. Where is all of this coming from you ask? Well I'm actually Sitting here listening to Fergie's new song Fergalisious... Well that and L0ndon Bridges. Don't get me wrong I like the songs to dance to. Aside from that who honestly makes a song about themselfs?

Do I walk around going Michelle-a-licious? No. Mind you I could but then the nice men in the white coats and padded rooms would have to take me away for ever. So why do we let these people do what they want? HELL IF I KNOW! It's like saying Paris Hilton is a singer. No she's not. Just like Sara said last night, the only thing her music says is what she's good at. Being a slut, stradaling things, and seducing little boys. So really she's just a pedafile with money. stupid hooker.

Okay... I'm done. Sometimes I think we need blunt assholes to get a hold of their dicks and finally say "no" to all of the crap that's everywhere... Life would be better.

All those mother fuckers he runs with, the kids that he signed... Rediculous!

I'm actually in a good mood today I just needed something to do and this was it.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The friday that was all about "the Gabe"

So tonight was definatly the best day I've had in a while. Mainly because it really started when I finished work at about 1:30pm. Then It was off to Sara's to really just bond in the way that we do while making "The Gabe" present. I loved it. All of it. The shirt, the "gabe-isms" absolutly amazing. Oh man the subway was really good to, it's just been so long since I've had one of their sandwiches and just been thinking "this is going to be sooooo good..." honestly just wanted it that badly once you see it being made and getting all wrapped up. I just wanted to jump over the counter tackle the guy making it and eat it right there... Okay. Maybe not THAT badly.

But while eating the Subs we watched the classic Bugs Bunny cartoons. Those make my life all the time becuase you get those freakin cartoons where everthing is messed and it's all about some stupid thing that has to do with space and super this and fantasic that. What honestly happened to the time where it was a bald guy with a gun chasing a freaking normal rabbit. BUT! back to the point. It was awesome.

So after wrapping up "the gift" hah... We had to head to Safeway to get some muchies for the partay. We ended up bringing spinach dip and bread. It was a total success by the way, and definatly got a lot of Crystal light singles, and were just having our own little juice party while we were there.

But after all of the tango, the cha-cha, the rumba, the waltz, the polka, the two-step, all of the dancing in general it was a fantastic night. Honestly I haven't had a night like that in a loooong time where you're just somewhere doing nothing in particular but you all want to be there doing it. I miss those days really.

So naturally first to arrive and last to leave as Sara said we helped clean up and just really stayed and talked for a while with Gabe, and watched some funny stuff. Lee Evans. If you haven't seen anything by him I definalty suggest you do so. He's a British comedian and totaly funny. After Gabe started falling asleep on the couch watching it, it was home time. That is why I am sitting here now... Because I dropped off Sara and no one else is home. So soon I will go to bed but I felt I needed to get this on here while it was still fresh.

The time we've lost can't get back