Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Oh so similar

Alllrighty then. So this sort of started Saturday when I once again went along with things before thinking. So Saturday while at the Pat and Sara was hitting on The bouncer i was for the most part of the night wandering around with some one I'll call the guy with cool hair well it seemed like a good idea at the time. Story of my life. I know.

Anyways! so naturally phone numbers were exchanged and well after talking to him shortly today on the phone realized something I seriously do not like. The guy with cool hair sounds/talks almost identically like my ex -boy who Alexander kindly named Nailpolish (Ps. I love this whole nick name thing.) So as you can image this isn't really helping the entire situation.

The entire reason Nailpolish and I broke up was because 1. he said i was average, and uncaring when it came to intellectual, and philosophical conversations. Not a good thing. 2. We had nothing in common. Which really bites because I really liked Nailpolish. but shit happens, move on. Still I can't help but wonder if the same thing would happen with The guy with cool hair. Mostly I'm going to stick with my last post and see if I can't work out just being friends with him because he is really cool, and maybe later things can develop.

Other than that little tid bit... I'm going to Las Vegas. Thats right Vegas. and I'm oh so very pumped! Mind you I know that I won't be able to drink or anything but thats okay. I wouldn't really do that around my parents, and extended family we are going with anyways. So who will all be going is my parents, myself, my cousin, aunt and uncle. Mind you my little cousin is only like 14. But she's pretty cool and she thinks I'm the shit naturally (even tho the little fart is smarter than I am... Books wise naturally. I'm "wiser") But ya i'll be going actually till the 29th or 30th of march, so naturally I'll be in Nevada for my birthday! then well... I guess i'll have to come back and party with you people on the weekend if need be. But ya. I'm pumped!! oh. And I go to calgary in like 2 weeks to see my new little cousin Amilia Bebbe.

Touchdown turnaround! I never see you around, anywhere anymore....

P.S Pubcrawl this saturday, the pat, 7pm, $10.
you're welcome to come!

1 comment:

startsky said...

all i want you to do is be my love!

*insert musical notes*