Monday, January 15, 2007

Mellow Weekend.

So here I am sitting listening to Jacky J. (aka Jack Johnson) because he's mellow and that's just the kinda mood I'm in. Just kinda contemplating my weekend I suppose, going over the details, and the stupid things I/others did. All n all I would call it an average weekend.

Friday, I went over to Sara's expecting karaoke I was actually really disappointed when it didn't actually happen. I suppose those people who were involved in not going had their reasons but more often then not the group makes some sacrifice on one weekend or another to fit those needs of just one individual. anyways, Sara and I ended up going to the Scuz after we got Kate's text that it was boring at Gerrit's , and that she was leaving. When we did get to the Scuz, it was ok, nothing to exciting. Just kinda dancing around in clothes that weren't really meant for the bar. I would actually have to say the best part of the night was seeing "Constable Jeff" and his friend / andother officer of the law, Clay. Also seeing Aaron, Arlen, Phil, and Kelen. Best part of my night anyways.

Saturday was a little less productive, basically didn't do much of anything just chilled out and went on a pub crawl at 7. Now the people that were on the pub crawl weren't some of my favorites. I liked the people that I knew from work cept like 2, and a few others but the rest of the people... I thought I was going to get shanked from them. Honestly. The best part of that was going to Jaxx, minus all the old guys but they didn't really hit on you much they more just watched which I was very ok with.

Sunday I went and watched a mens basketball game. Mainly because a girl I work with is trying to set me up with this guy her b/f (who I also work with) which I wouldn't mind but get this... He's 28. ouch. Other than that a very nice guy, fairly good looking and all but still, 28. Not happening. So I ditched out right after the game was done saying I had to help my mom with supper because the grandparents were coming over (true by the way). That was good, after the pie and all. Grandma makes goooood pie. Then after a phone call from Sara, and Gabe they came over and we watched Out Cold. Good movie. lol Just one good sunday night all around.

That is why my weekend was just average, nothing special and definatly nothing to bad. More laid back then anything considering the cold n all. Really though I'm okay with that. With going to Calgary next weekend, and going to Vegas and area in march I can't exactly afford to go around spending a bunch of money going out.... Cept once and a while. lol
Can you feel a little love... Dream on. Dream on.


Kate said...

Time for a new post, Madame.

Jordan Diederichs said...

Mellow weekends are good sometimes, we definitely need to do karaoke sometime soon though.