Friday, January 26, 2007

The thursday that was the Branch.

Okay so I lied and have a little time so I figured that I would make a random post about last night. What is so special about last night you ask? Well I went out with Curt, Tam, Poff, and April. Naturally we went to the Branch. It was a grand time early on with dancing with Gabe and such, I even saw Andrew Barron and danced with him even though he was sick but it was pretty splendiforous. Then April got kinda drunk and well was even more entertaining.

When April around and I may have mentioned I was looking for "a little hottie" well when she's sober it's mostly "Chellie your not allowed to! Boys are evil! Except mine." I laugh most of the time and go "okay" but when she gets drunk it turns into "Ohhh he's cute go talk to him, or just bump into him or something... GO Chellie! GO!" and I continue laughing at her. Then we go dancing.

So mostly that's what the night was. When the night was winding down around 1:30am, then I mostly was sitting with Tam people watching. So what do I see but this girl being so drunk that she honestly can't stand up on her own and was actually kinda sad. I had seen her a few times walking around and noticed she'd dropped her headband so I picked it up for her. Handed it to her, and she took an interest in standing with me. Lol till she noticed Curt then decided that well... She needed to drag him out on the floor. That was the funniest thing I have ever seen. She was trying to hit on him while being that drunk, and falling over. He was just trying to keep her standing.

On the way home naturally the first thing that had popped into everyone's head was McDonalds. Which then turned into Subway. How? I have no idea. But thats not the point. So there are Curt and Poff in Subway and ahead of them was these guys who looked pretty cute, so I called Curt because it almost looked like the one was fairly good looking, but wasn't sure if he had clear skin or not. Tams words. Honestly. So I call curt who's standing in subway and ask well he said it looked good on that front, then asked if he should give him my number. I laughed naturally but decided what was the worst that could happen. You should have seen that guys face when Curt walked up and started talking to him about it. Honestly I swear that made his night right there. Then that guy actually called about 5 min after he had left subway "to see if my brother had been bullshitting". His name is Windon, and he's supposed to call next weekend.

Little darling, welcome to the show!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

It may be a while.

Okay so seeing as how I'm going to be super buzy n such for the next like week or so I figured that now was a good time to make a new post. First, Constable Jeff is out of the picture. Second, I'm moving in with Kate on the 1st. Everyone is welcome to help us move (Bring your truck. Love that song) Third, I'm going to Calgary this weekend I hope if not then I won't be nearly as buzy as I thought I would be because well I'll have the entire weekend to get that done n such. Forth, If there is currently or going to be any serious drama. I take no sides I'm Switzerland, Although you are welcome to come over to the new place and chill with me as long as you give me at least 10min notice.
Alright now that thats out of the way I can actually do something random as per usual. Well I do have my thinking/pimpin hat on. The Fadora rocks you are all jealous. :D Kate and I went shopping for the few things we needed for the new place today and well it wasn't as much as I thought it would be. Mostly it was just the little things we didn't have and even then it didn't add up to that much. Considering we are getting a shit load of stuff from her grandma and will only need to get something like a slip cover it's pretty sweet.


I've been trying to keep buzy really with the move because I can't concentrate at work really. That happens when you randomly find out your grandpa has had a stroke the day before. Technically that was about 2 days ago. But still it's a shocker if nothing else. I suppose things will be just hunky dorry for the most part but well friggen hell. blah. Thats all i'm going to say.
Other than that... Things are fantastic. For the most part. My family isn't exactly thrilled I'm moving out. Well D-wayne was then I told him I was coming back and he said "Damn" . Lol But it's just like I keep telling them. It's something I need to do. Yes they have all done it and know that it's maybe not the best idea but fuck that noise somethings I actually need to know and do for myself. There. I'm done.
I like where we are, when we drive in your car. I like where we are. Here.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A night with a Constable...

Alllrighty since Kate basically demanded a new post here it is. Really I don't have much to say. Well that might just be a little bit of a lie. Okay here it is. Today being Saturday, the day after friday naturally I should have something to say about the weekend that just started right? right. and naturally I should tell you all right? ... right.

So as some of you know (most of you don't) I went out last night with "Constable Jeff" also known as Arnie, or Arnald. (I'm not actually sure how he spells his name) It was pretty low key because apparently he decided to take me out to supper and well I had a big lunch. Well... A big mac, and one kickin peice of cake. So I didn't really eat that much but I definatly had more fun just talking to him anyways. That guy is hilarous, and he drives a truck. Can it get any better? lol.

After supper I thought it would be cool to go see Kallie at McQuires... They were at O'shea's. I'm soo cool i get pubs mixed up! lol oh well Constable Jeff and I stayed and had a drink anyways because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Then after a few harassing phone calls from Greg Poz it was off to the Branch. Honestly. Don't ever go to the Branch on a friday night. It just plain sucks... Except for the two guys who stand by the pool tables and play that punching game where it measures how hard you can punch. One because they look rediculous, and two... They look rediculous.

Finally from the Branch it was off to the Hoze and Hydrant. Yes I did say Hello to Mr.Fantastic. the night did start to wind down after all the dancing and a little more drinking. Which I didn't do much of after the Branch because those shots were not sitting well. But then yes ladies and gentlemen it was time to go home around 2;30 am.

Just a few side notes. One Sara it was actually Greg who called you at 2am from my phone. lol. We were trying to get him to tap something. Your name came up. *Wink* Two Yes Kate and I are moving out together with Dana on his days off. I am also Tres excited! Three You should all try and hang out with cops. but I warn you "we are never off the clock" as a bar fight starts and they break it up faster than the bouncers.

Maybe go to my place and just kick it like Tae Bo!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Mellow Weekend.

So here I am sitting listening to Jacky J. (aka Jack Johnson) because he's mellow and that's just the kinda mood I'm in. Just kinda contemplating my weekend I suppose, going over the details, and the stupid things I/others did. All n all I would call it an average weekend.

Friday, I went over to Sara's expecting karaoke I was actually really disappointed when it didn't actually happen. I suppose those people who were involved in not going had their reasons but more often then not the group makes some sacrifice on one weekend or another to fit those needs of just one individual. anyways, Sara and I ended up going to the Scuz after we got Kate's text that it was boring at Gerrit's , and that she was leaving. When we did get to the Scuz, it was ok, nothing to exciting. Just kinda dancing around in clothes that weren't really meant for the bar. I would actually have to say the best part of the night was seeing "Constable Jeff" and his friend / andother officer of the law, Clay. Also seeing Aaron, Arlen, Phil, and Kelen. Best part of my night anyways.

Saturday was a little less productive, basically didn't do much of anything just chilled out and went on a pub crawl at 7. Now the people that were on the pub crawl weren't some of my favorites. I liked the people that I knew from work cept like 2, and a few others but the rest of the people... I thought I was going to get shanked from them. Honestly. The best part of that was going to Jaxx, minus all the old guys but they didn't really hit on you much they more just watched which I was very ok with.

Sunday I went and watched a mens basketball game. Mainly because a girl I work with is trying to set me up with this guy her b/f (who I also work with) which I wouldn't mind but get this... He's 28. ouch. Other than that a very nice guy, fairly good looking and all but still, 28. Not happening. So I ditched out right after the game was done saying I had to help my mom with supper because the grandparents were coming over (true by the way). That was good, after the pie and all. Grandma makes goooood pie. Then after a phone call from Sara, and Gabe they came over and we watched Out Cold. Good movie. lol Just one good sunday night all around.

That is why my weekend was just average, nothing special and definatly nothing to bad. More laid back then anything considering the cold n all. Really though I'm okay with that. With going to Calgary next weekend, and going to Vegas and area in march I can't exactly afford to go around spending a bunch of money going out.... Cept once and a while. lol
Can you feel a little love... Dream on. Dream on.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Oh so similar

Alllrighty then. So this sort of started Saturday when I once again went along with things before thinking. So Saturday while at the Pat and Sara was hitting on The bouncer i was for the most part of the night wandering around with some one I'll call the guy with cool hair well it seemed like a good idea at the time. Story of my life. I know.

Anyways! so naturally phone numbers were exchanged and well after talking to him shortly today on the phone realized something I seriously do not like. The guy with cool hair sounds/talks almost identically like my ex -boy who Alexander kindly named Nailpolish (Ps. I love this whole nick name thing.) So as you can image this isn't really helping the entire situation.

The entire reason Nailpolish and I broke up was because 1. he said i was average, and uncaring when it came to intellectual, and philosophical conversations. Not a good thing. 2. We had nothing in common. Which really bites because I really liked Nailpolish. but shit happens, move on. Still I can't help but wonder if the same thing would happen with The guy with cool hair. Mostly I'm going to stick with my last post and see if I can't work out just being friends with him because he is really cool, and maybe later things can develop.

Other than that little tid bit... I'm going to Las Vegas. Thats right Vegas. and I'm oh so very pumped! Mind you I know that I won't be able to drink or anything but thats okay. I wouldn't really do that around my parents, and extended family we are going with anyways. So who will all be going is my parents, myself, my cousin, aunt and uncle. Mind you my little cousin is only like 14. But she's pretty cool and she thinks I'm the shit naturally (even tho the little fart is smarter than I am... Books wise naturally. I'm "wiser") But ya i'll be going actually till the 29th or 30th of march, so naturally I'll be in Nevada for my birthday! then well... I guess i'll have to come back and party with you people on the weekend if need be. But ya. I'm pumped!! oh. And I go to calgary in like 2 weeks to see my new little cousin Amilia Bebbe.

Touchdown turnaround! I never see you around, anywhere anymore....

P.S Pubcrawl this saturday, the pat, 7pm, $10.
you're welcome to come!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Don't give up on me

Okay, so last night was a very good night all n all. Filled with dancing and such as per usual. Jackie is definatly awesome to go to the bar with! WOOP! anyways. I discovered something this afternoon thinking about last night. Well that's not entirely true. It was half last night at the bar, and half this after noon. I don't want to date any one right now.

I suppose you could say that I am tired of just getting swept up in the whole thing. I'm just kind of tired of it. Thinking things could work for longer than a week when really they won't. Mind you I'll still go out and have a good time n all, but I don't know if I'll go out and hit on every cute guy I see... Maybe just one or two. I think I would just rather chill out with my friends and not have worry about anything else.

With that will probably come with going out less durring the week and mostly just on the weekends. Unless it's for coffee or soemthing along those lines. Being simple is the name of the game now. Call it being tired, maturing, or whatever but thats what I want. That and the fact that I need to save money for school next fall, as well as the random trip for Jessica's birthday. Which by the way I'm totaly pumped for. Even though it's in june.

Good thing there's no mercy rule in love cause I would long be beat

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Welp, I am officially single. That happened a few nights ago after the "average, and uncaring" comment it sort of died. So naturally I'm actually better than I was before. I suppose I knew it was going to die eventually because well we don't really have anything in common. Actaully scratch that. We don't have anything in common. But it was a good run of a month and a bit with out any problems at all so really for me... Thumbs up!

Any ways I don't really have much to say but figured a new post was in order. Well ya. I don't have anything to say besides that work is now swamped and I don't have any downtime available so i can't go home which is good for mee! Overtime is a wonderful thing. On a work realated note some guy told me "You are the shit! opps! You're awesome" I just laughed and said thats what they pay me the not so big bucks for. He called me "Mate" aswell. Love the Ausies.

Any who the next few days should be jam packed. Tonight being thursday it's i suppose the Branch. Friday is Jordans birthday at the Pat, although I heard we were taking him to the Scuz anyways. and Saturday is well... Paturday. duh.

You can be my bad boy but understand that I don't need you again!

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Blues 2

No two shots are the same. That would be how much we started out with.

Well last night started out a little rough but after a while I just didn't care. Why? I was drunk. Now I'm going to apologize. Mainly because I was a mess last night and was off in my own little world. A very drunken world by the end of the night but my own little world just the same. I hope you all had a good new years!

I feel a sin comin on!