Friday, December 15, 2006

Random Freak out?

So I'm sitting at work, drawing on my arm because I was in "training" all day at work. (Training = It's slow, and we need people off of the phones. So you sit there...) When all of a sudden this feeling of complete horror washed over me. My stomac tightened, I got all flushed, couldn't concentrate on anything. Why it happend? I have no idea. It was random, and unexpected. Maybe something really has happened that I haven't found out about, or something will happen.

After the feeling had passed I thought of something. Today, December 15 is Mike's and I one month. Now this is actually a big deal for me mainly because no one ever lasts this long. I think I freaked out a little because of it. At least that's what I'm hoping it is. I'm definatly still trying to figure out exactly what caused it because I would like to know. Needless to say I'm still a little freaked out about it.

My cure for it? Kicking off from work about 2 hours from work early and listen to Christmas Carols. They always make me feel better. That and Junk food, but that might be skipped so I can work on stripping the wall paper off of my walls. Yes I'm taking down the little pink hearted wallpaper that's been in my room for the last what 5 or 6 years. I know it's a little belated but better late than never.

What's a Partridge, and what's a pear tree? Well I don't know so please don't ask me, but I can bet those are terrible gifts to get...


Kate said...

That would be an anxiety attack darlin.

startsky said...

on the first day of christmas.. my true love gave to me.. A BEER.