Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Blues

So i've decided that just a few words can put a damper on ones New years spirit. Mind you i'm sure that my new years will still be fantastic but not in the same way that it could have been before I got said phone call. Now for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about all you need to do is ask. I'm not very shy about these things in the way that i feel some input is needed to help me decide what I should do. Keeping in mind that the decision is still ultimately mine.

That having been said I have been a little off all day. Most of the time I am indeed fine but there are those moments like now when I look around my kitchen full of happy people who have been together for a long time and wonder when that will happen to me. Although for myself a month and a half with out any problems or anything is suprising even for myself.

In the end I will most likely do one of two things... Talk to him about it like I really should, and see how I feel after said converstation. Or possibly two, which would be to just end it saying that even though I still like him we are just to different for anything to work past this point. Either way I'm going to suck it up, put it to the back of my mind for now and just try my best to enjoy the night and not focus on how when that midnight strikes I'll have no one to kiss. That is unless Kate, or Sara would do the honor as per usual.
What a wonderful caricature of intamacy

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