Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A weekend not in a nut shell

What is up you all... I just have nothing better to do so i figured i would make a random update on my life in general. soooo basically since wednesday when I went to the Over Drive basically with Katie and Sara, and a bunch of Randi's friends. (man i miss that girl) met a couple guys there. Todd and Jesse... now mind you... Jesse turned out to be a real creeper... and I would know because well... he is. He really reminds me of this guy i've known basically all my life but only see like once in a blue moon now because well he's skeezey. (f.y.i. skeezey is my new word) anyways so we went to the Pat on saturday (Sara, Katie, and myself) and we met Jesse there thinking it would be a good time... not so much. he was pretty creepy i have to tell you. So it was a really good thing that Todd was there to with his brother Darren.

So basically it was a pretty good night, stayed till close and well just danced the night away. saw a bunch of people i knew there. People from elementary school who look like ass holes, but they always have been. and I found out a girl I work with at the Marriott works there at "The Dog Pound" can't miss her, really pretty, dresses really out there (prolly for the tips. honestly i saw her in a bottle cap dress one time... well she was wearing like a bathing suit under it but it was pretty cool) anyways really pretty, names Maggie... and if you still can't figure out who she is... she just happens to be black. but anyways a total sweet heart. but yes. after all of that goodness it was a good night.

So here you are all thinking Sunday would be the day of relaxation? nope. i cleaned my room because we are painting it right away so i've been slowly getting rid of all of my junk, and had supper with my grandparents. and then i got a suprising phone call from Todd. and that phone call led to us going to see the movie The Benchwarmers. lol freakin funny. i thought it would have it's moments but it was pretty good all n all.then from the movie it was off to the Fox n Hounds for Poppets birthday. stayed there for a while Todd got to meet most of my friends... well I was driving that night because i knew where he lived and he had no idea how to get to my house. lol anyways after that i took him home and then came home and crashed. it was pretty sweet night. and that was my weekend in a nut shell... well not really a nut shell but you get the idea.

Life's like an hour glass glued to the table

1 comment:

West Beach said...

wheres the new one!! i read this one 4 times over! yeesh!! CALL ME ASAP!!