Friday, July 28, 2006

Okay! so i know it's been a while... and thats okay but anyways.

I haven't really been up to very much. working, going out, the usual. of course there are usually stories but since my regular computer died i can't really get them on here while they are still semi-fresh in my mind. oh well you will all live i'm sure. but i'll see if i can't do a quit recap just to get you all caught up. So i've been through another guy already i'm sure this is no shock to any of you, the last one showed up again and well i've all ready decided he's out for good cause he's dumb. I have a few people i'd like to consider. *cough BUTTONS cough* Kate, Sara you know who I mean. he's a hottie. anyways.

Lately i've been out for supper twice. in the same weekend. got a sun burn, which will later turn to freckles and then nothing because I don't tan well. and met some new guys who are pretty freakin awesome. so thats basically what has been going on in my life, aside from the going to the bar n such but thats the same ol same ol, you go you drink you dance you hit on people you leave to go home possibly with some numbers possibly you don't go home you go somewhere else. (no i know what you are all thinking and no. lol ) but yeah. i've definatly been spending way to much money lately. that has to stop. i'm definatly going to try and save like a mo fo in the next coming months cause i have a lot of things planned and possibly no money to do it with.

so as it stands this is all i have on my plate so far...
- 3rd weekend in Aug possible trip to Edmonton.
-Sept long, definatly going to Sylvan Lake for a few days.
-End of March possible trip to mexico with the fam
-Begining of May. going to the Dom or somewhere with the Girls.

and all of that isn't including the very day spending that has to happpen. like gas, the cell, and everything like that.... oh boy i better get saving...

It's my life, It's now or never, I ain't gunna live forever!

1 comment:

Kate said...

hahaha I know the feeling! And that's why I'm looking for a better job that will pay me better and give me better hours so I can possibly get another job. We're gonna have so much fun though!