Monday, July 31, 2006

A weekend minus Friday

alllrighty so my weekend was actually pretty packed with interesting things. Friday i stayed my ass at home. i was hung over. i needed it trust me. lol so then Saturday i went to work and well basically did what i do best all day. nothing. but there was down time so i got off work an hour early and well just decided to do whatever till i figured something to do. anyways Eric called and was like "CHELLEY! your coming over for supper right?" at this point i was just about to have a shower. but i told him i would since i would prolly just be getting something like subway if i didn't. it was definatly better than subway. cept that one steak... poor poor bald Curtis... he had to cook it more...

But yes then I dropped off Mel and Brenty at the OverDrive and went to pick up Sara. and the night began. There was drinking, dancing, yelling, running away from creepy guys who were following us around, bothering Tyler, meeting other people Sam, Chase, and the new hot dog guy.... i don't remember his name. but yes all n all a pretty good night.

Sunday was pretty relaxed i didn't actually have to work yesterday so i did nothing all day and boy was it nice. anyways at around 8 ish i got really bored and decided to take back the movies i rented and do a little random driving. and almost got freaking hit while i was doing it. okay so i was just past all of the merging lanes on circle drive by warman and there was these two cars full of kids. well they were driving on their own but hell they were kids to me. gosh i feel old. lol anyways. so i changed lanes and got behind this white sunfire. so what did the one car do. they freaking changed lanes infront of me! there definately wasn't room for their car between mine and the sunfire, so i had to hammer on the breaks and fuckin hammer on the horn to and these kids are laughing and i was like "wtf mate?"cause well they almost crashed mine, there's, and the sunfires car. and it definatly would have been their fault. stupid kids. so naturally i passed them (both cars full of kids) and gave them the finger.

but yes shit happens so i didn't stay all that angry for long. well... who could stay angry when you see a freaking monster truck.honestly it was at least 5 feet off the ground, you would need like an effing step ladder to get into that thing! but it was hott... the guys in it were pretty good looking to if i might add. :D and then Sara called and well we cause Chaos. everything from getting slurpees to scaring little kids on bikes to leaving sticky notes on peoples cars... lol yep it was a good night. and i was still in bed by like 11:30.

Oh I'm a real wild child!

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