Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Oh no! I dropped my meat!

Soooo last night i definatly went out with Katie. Which started out pretty good. We went to see John Tucker must die! awesome movie. it's a chick flick most definatly but it's just so gosh darn funny. I mean don't get me wrong it's definatly predictable but still good and it has a few twists. And then we definatly went for McDonalds.

The phone call i got while we were in McDicks definatly suprised me. mainly because i wasn't expecting it. I met him at the OverDrive the other night and told him to call me. lol didn't think he would. but anyways yes "Love" called. Now i call him that because he's from Love, Saskachewan. anyways he definatly called. i was stoked. lol then laughed cause he used the whole 3 day rule. silly boy.

back to the story. Katie and I proceeded to the Duece because well where else do you go on a tuesday? but yes it kinda went down hill and back up and down a little... well you get the idea. it went down because she was being all weird and clingy and then it was good cause i saw a bunch of people i haven't in a while. Travis, Scotty to hottie, Steve I, Cropper, my cous Javis, Rich. hahah that was a good time just talking with all of those guys. but then i lost Katie and had to go find her. ugh. so finally i just wanted to go home but on our way to the car who should we see but Timmy Hanstock. lol so i gave him a ride home. Then it was crash time which is what i did when my head hit the pillow. was out like a freaking light.

all n all it wasn't a stellar night... it wasn't a total bust. it was definatly a so so kinda night which i'm okay with. mind you i think i need a little me time lately just because i've been going out so freaking much. i either need to find a guy that'll last more than like a week or i need to just stop going out completely! which both might happen. lol or at least i'll stop going out. but yes. I think i just need to stop having such a hecktic kinda life and be simple for a while.

I think i need to take a little me time...


Kate said...

you used the word 'definitely' 7 times. 4 of those times were in the first paragraph. time for a new word. lol

West Beach said...

kate who really takes the time to count them and care about it lol?

Kate said...

umm obviously i have a lot of time on my hands lol