Friday, July 28, 2006

My Branch tooth shut up...

Okay! so yesterday being Thursday it was Branch night! and what a night it turned out to be. after I got off I took a nap. and what a glorious nap it was. then I talked to Sara and got ready for the night. Once I picked her up we called Kate who definatly didn't come and a good thing to. who goes out when they have Broncitis... good move kate! :D anyways. once we got there and got it the drinking began because I wasn't driving i was on a freakin mission.

So with being in the branch for about 5 min who did i see? Todd... can you say akward! hahah anyways. starting off with a lovely Rye n coke. then me, Sara, and Michele definaty went to get new drinks and well i was scoping out all of the hotties. and man there were definatly some lookers. That was hot most of the night went. Sara and I would walk around and i would hit on guys because well Sara lives vicariously through me.

Of course I wasn't counting on so many guys buying me drinks because then i wouldn't have been so drunk because i would have run outta money! silly boys! but still fun, dancing with Gabe, talking to random people, being there with my ENTIRE FREAKING FAMILY! lol i love it, and well of course the just over all feel of being there. it was a good night... till i went home.

I knew it was going to happen, but i still didn't like it. *sigh* i puked. for the first time since like grade 11. thats right up until last night i hadn't puked in over 2 years... oh well that'll teach me i suppose. and my head still hurts. but other than than i feel fine for the most part. and it was just to good a night to let that spoil it. mind you the best think i could have done would be to puke on phsyco lawn guys lawn... oh well. lol can't have it all.

Lets get drunk and be somebody!

1 comment:

Kate said...

hahaha nice michelle. Everyone has to be hungover at some point. Puking is the worst of it though. Too bad I missed out, but it happens! lol Still sick like a mo-fo! Have a good one and I'll ttyl. Gimme a call if you're interested in just hanging out one of these days, because I am not exactly feeling well enough to go partay.