Thursday, April 12, 2007

It's a wednesday.

Okay... since Kate went on a little bit of a rant about how no one updates... Ya that's ever so true. I will admit to well not updating as much as I used to. In part because we didn't have a computer here for a while, then I went to calgary, then to vegas, and now I'm working a later shift. Well it's time to get back into the groove even though hardly any one reads mine. oh well...

wait, wait! I hear people wanting something... MEEEE!!!!

Happy feet was a typical disney movie. Started off slow with the story line, then got into the funny stuff in the middle with the tap dancing penguin. mostly I just liked it because the midget penguins were pretty damned funny.

Now to address the weekend issue... This weekend was full of a few twists. Friday Sara and I went to the Scuz. Then oddly enough ran into nailpolish and his friends and ultimately went to DIVA'S. Okay so it's not all that I thought it was. It's more of a traditional club, everything is a remix, there are only a few gay pride banners at the roof, and every one dances. To sum it up in a word... Awesome. Now would I ever go there just by myself? No.

Moving on to saturday. Katie and I went on a pub crawl which was the Blue Balls Crawl, then later got re-named the Shitty Ass Bar pub crawl. It started at Ryle's, then to the OD, and finally to Jaxx. When I got back to the Pat where it started some guy I named JT (because he reminded me of Justin Timberlake) kept hitting on me so I peaced out after telling him I was going to the washroom.

Sunday I went over to my Grandparents it being Easter Sunday and all, then Nickel and I came back to my place and we watched a movie. That was basically the entire night. Hanging out with my cousin and a little later Morgan.

I found the light in the tunnel at the end...

1 comment:

Kate said...

Happy Feet was pretty funny!