Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So a lady walked into the store and wanted some Sex...

okay so it's been a rediculously long time. I know but what can ya do.
Any ways quick up date. Kate and I officially have 2 couchs. Deffinately an improvement from the half a couch we had before. Love it.

Other than that it's been pretty standard. well... Except for Last weekend... Okay. Friday was Bens 20th b-day Pub crawl and well that was really kickin. It started at the Pat, then off to the Branch, the Scuz, and finally the Duece. The Pat was rediculously dead. Honestly there was only like 5 people in there, including the ones that worked there. So we went back to the Scuz and Jackie being the amazing person she is got us in for free, and pass the line.

Saturday was a little more "so it's Paturday" and what a night it was. We met a couple of really tall volly ball players from the u of s. Then well. I got tanked. I don't really remember anything after midnight except for little snippets. Then I puked in/on Sara's car. I feel really bad about that to. Though I did manage to get the window down looks like a little got on the inside. Sorry Sara... Then Sunday was a little rough cause I was really really hung over. But that was all said and done with by the time I went to see the rental units that afternoon.

Other than that it's same ol' same ol'. Chillin out after work. Eating, sleeping, hanging out with Morgan. Oh... Ya... I guess thats sorta new. Morgan and I are seeing each other again. I think he was in one of my posts... I think it was "oh no I dropped my meet"? maybe. Something around that, but yeah. It's been about 2 and a half weeks now. So we shall see how things go.

You made me want you and one and one became two...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A series of unfortunate events...

It's been a while. I blame the rap music. :D
As of late? Nothing particular. Moved out and thats about it. I've just been getting cozy at the cone... hah. But really. I'm either at work, chillin at the appartment or out. So in all thruths nothing has really changed except for the fact that I have to actually buy my own food now. Oh well I mostly did that anyways.
I'll try and just inform you on the moments from the last time I was on here... Lets see...
Okay, basically the first wednesday I was in the appartment I had who I shall call Shorty over. One thing led to another and we ended up making out. Big shocker. I know. lol Now I really wouldn't have mentioned this but it ties into a bigger picture. Now naturally because he's short I informed him that well... it wasn't nessesarily a one night thing. More like a 2 or 3 night thing. Well that friday Sara and I went to the Scuz. This is where things get interesting.
Unexpected Event One : At the scuz things were going good, we were dancing, there was a random creep we were avoiding. So there we were dancing with a random that was slowly becoming annoying, and I turned around and who was there... Constable Jeff. I hid on the dance floor from him. Sara told me later she said hi to him. Apparently it was wierd.
Unexpected Event Two: Then I was standing talking to Cousin #1. The same one I made out with on New years. So there we were standing there talking and then he says "You should stay at my place to night"
Unexpected Even Three: Walking around looking for Sara because I had lost her, who should I see but Shorty. Who by the way was acting like we were dating or close to it.
Unexpected Event Four: While dancing with one of the twins not really looking for Sara any more and he tells me that the other twin, Kelen, and Nailpoish are in line.
Unexpected Event Five: Seeing Nailpolish. Even though I knew he would be there it's actually different when I actually SAW him.
Unexpected Even Six: After dropping Sara off at home I went back to the apartment and was about to go to sleep when Brent calls. Then it was off to Cousin #1's house. I did stay there that night. lol in Sexy Erics bed. With Cousin #2. He stayed on his side, and me on mine.
Then well I could go on and on about last night at the Pat but I can pretty much sum it up really simply. It was amazing. Dancing, being drunk and just not caring.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
"I'll have a big mac meal with a big mac... and a 2 cheese burger meal with fries"
Your such a pro with pretty little lines...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Can't worry about tomorrows pain tonight.

alllrighty then. I know it's been a while. but this is what happens when you move out and don't have a computer. It's a pretty sweet deal really. Okay so I was cleaning out my room of all the random crap that I have collected over the years and I found this sign that I've had since about grade 9 or 10. I'm not to sure which one, but the sign says
tired of being harrased
by your stupid parents?
Move out, pay your own bills
while you still know
I thought it was hilarious. Mainly because well... I just moved out. Back to the point of my blog which is mostly just to keep you all up to date on what the fuck. Okay so last night was definatly the night of the Scuz. Everybody who could have cause conflict I knew was there. Brent, and Melody. Curtis W, and Ashley. Mike and me. Andrew B and me. Graham, and Nicole. Now I don't expect any of you but Sara to know who all of these people are. But thats not the point. Near the begining of the night it was good because it was just dancing and wandering around and being silly. Later on is when things got sticky.
Alright so was standing around hitting on Curtis W like I always do. lol one because I think it's funny to watch him debat with how much he likes my dad with how much he wants to do things with me. Fortunatly my dad wins out ever time. Except that night I suppose. He told me and Sara to come over to his place and drink with a few other people and we could just stay the night. Well I wanted to but naw. Brent and Ashley showed up and saved me from doing something that would have been really akward. Then Mike showed up. Naturally with The twins, and Kelen. I love those boys. So much fun. Except for Mike cause he sucks.
But between trying to avoid people in that place because it was packed like a can of sardeens, dancing, and trying to actually find people your looking for. It was nuts. But finaly Sara and I got outta there. I dropped her off and was laying in bed when Brent called. lol I went over drinking at the Washinski boys house. It was a pretty good time. Sat around talked with Ashley and got drunk. Then when I decided that I couldn't drive I crawled into Sexy Erics bed, with Chris. Now I know what your thinking. and No. he stuck to his side and me to mine. We even had two seperate blankets! :D. But definatly stayed up talking for a while. I didn't get to bed till around probably 5. then got woken up around 11am by my phone.... Then I went home, and here I am.
I left you in the morning so drunk on melow drama.