Sunday, September 24, 2006

A yelling, sleep deprived, dancing, picnic of a weekend.

Okay... so this weekend was pretty killer... Friday was kinda laid back. Went to see Accepted with Sara, Gabe, and Rainnin (P.s that's most likely not how to spell his name) it was pretty awesome movie. i definatly liked it... maybe even enough to buy it. but yeah then we came back to my house to play some pool and watch some tv. then definatly as i was getting ready to go to bed Graham called. I just can't say no to talking to that boy. so i stayed up till about 3am? i think that was it.

Saturday was a little more... stress filled i guess you could say. I got to deal with the fuck heads and the Hyundi dealer ship... twice. gosh lucky me! first they leave me sitting there while i wait for them to cut the 2nd key for my car for like an hour and a half... it was only supposed to take a freakin half an hour. THEN i couldn't get any of the 3 keys that i have to open the drivers side door. so okay i come home and have some lunch and go back and they tell me it's not their fault that it's broken. so i kinda lost my temper a little and started bitching about how it worked this morning BEFORE i got the new key cut and all of a sudden i get it back and it doesn't work? well i guess he thought he could bullshit his way out of it cause i'm a teenager. fuck that shit. fuck it right now. i made that basterd fix my car. lol and i didn't have to pay either. turns out the cylinder for the lock just gets stuck sometimes but he could have just said that... stupid retard.

then it was on to babysitting. for Noah and Tristan. cute kids. and then it was off to babysitting for Lori. even cuter kids. lol i spent most of the time reading to Delaine cause she wanted me to and well Dawson and Evan just kinda watched Tv. aaaannnd then Sara decided she wanted to go dancing... lol so we went to the Pat. again it was a good time. it's been a while since i've just gone to the bar to go dancing. thats not the best part of the night tho... ohhh the best part was AFTER the Pat... we went to McDicks cause we were hungry. so then Sara decided we needed to have a picknic in the parking lot. best thing of my life! so there we sat with Gabe and Rainin just eating on the ground in the McDicks parking lot. man we got a lot of funny looks.

so then i was supposed to call Graham... but the silly kid passed out on me. lol so i watched Just my Luck. and well stayed up till about 3am doing it. but man it was a good time cause i got to sleep in today and it was just glorious. i'm tired right now but oddly satisfied with everything thing. I'm good with work (if i can ever work a full day that would be good) Sara and Kate (even tho i don't really see much of them) are good as well. I'm okay with not seeing them as often cause well these things happen. and well Graham even tho he's not here is definatly amazing. thats all i'm going to say thats it i'm out!

If what they say is true...You’re a boy - and I'm a girl...
I will never fall in love with you

1 comment:

Kate said...

So glad everything's going great Michelley! Um I have nothing to actually SAY, but I thought I'd write a post because I always read your blog and just thought you should know.

PS Download Yoo Hoo by Imperial Teen and imagine us walking down a hallway somewhere