Monday, July 31, 2006

A weekend minus Friday

alllrighty so my weekend was actually pretty packed with interesting things. Friday i stayed my ass at home. i was hung over. i needed it trust me. lol so then Saturday i went to work and well basically did what i do best all day. nothing. but there was down time so i got off work an hour early and well just decided to do whatever till i figured something to do. anyways Eric called and was like "CHELLEY! your coming over for supper right?" at this point i was just about to have a shower. but i told him i would since i would prolly just be getting something like subway if i didn't. it was definatly better than subway. cept that one steak... poor poor bald Curtis... he had to cook it more...

But yes then I dropped off Mel and Brenty at the OverDrive and went to pick up Sara. and the night began. There was drinking, dancing, yelling, running away from creepy guys who were following us around, bothering Tyler, meeting other people Sam, Chase, and the new hot dog guy.... i don't remember his name. but yes all n all a pretty good night.

Sunday was pretty relaxed i didn't actually have to work yesterday so i did nothing all day and boy was it nice. anyways at around 8 ish i got really bored and decided to take back the movies i rented and do a little random driving. and almost got freaking hit while i was doing it. okay so i was just past all of the merging lanes on circle drive by warman and there was these two cars full of kids. well they were driving on their own but hell they were kids to me. gosh i feel old. lol anyways. so i changed lanes and got behind this white sunfire. so what did the one car do. they freaking changed lanes infront of me! there definately wasn't room for their car between mine and the sunfire, so i had to hammer on the breaks and fuckin hammer on the horn to and these kids are laughing and i was like "wtf mate?"cause well they almost crashed mine, there's, and the sunfires car. and it definatly would have been their fault. stupid kids. so naturally i passed them (both cars full of kids) and gave them the finger.

but yes shit happens so i didn't stay all that angry for long. well... who could stay angry when you see a freaking monster truck.honestly it was at least 5 feet off the ground, you would need like an effing step ladder to get into that thing! but it was hott... the guys in it were pretty good looking to if i might add. :D and then Sara called and well we cause Chaos. everything from getting slurpees to scaring little kids on bikes to leaving sticky notes on peoples cars... lol yep it was a good night. and i was still in bed by like 11:30.

Oh I'm a real wild child!

Friday, July 28, 2006

My Branch tooth shut up...

Okay! so yesterday being Thursday it was Branch night! and what a night it turned out to be. after I got off I took a nap. and what a glorious nap it was. then I talked to Sara and got ready for the night. Once I picked her up we called Kate who definatly didn't come and a good thing to. who goes out when they have Broncitis... good move kate! :D anyways. once we got there and got it the drinking began because I wasn't driving i was on a freakin mission.

So with being in the branch for about 5 min who did i see? Todd... can you say akward! hahah anyways. starting off with a lovely Rye n coke. then me, Sara, and Michele definaty went to get new drinks and well i was scoping out all of the hotties. and man there were definatly some lookers. That was hot most of the night went. Sara and I would walk around and i would hit on guys because well Sara lives vicariously through me.

Of course I wasn't counting on so many guys buying me drinks because then i wouldn't have been so drunk because i would have run outta money! silly boys! but still fun, dancing with Gabe, talking to random people, being there with my ENTIRE FREAKING FAMILY! lol i love it, and well of course the just over all feel of being there. it was a good night... till i went home.

I knew it was going to happen, but i still didn't like it. *sigh* i puked. for the first time since like grade 11. thats right up until last night i hadn't puked in over 2 years... oh well that'll teach me i suppose. and my head still hurts. but other than than i feel fine for the most part. and it was just to good a night to let that spoil it. mind you the best think i could have done would be to puke on phsyco lawn guys lawn... oh well. lol can't have it all.

Lets get drunk and be somebody!
Okay! so i know it's been a while... and thats okay but anyways.

I haven't really been up to very much. working, going out, the usual. of course there are usually stories but since my regular computer died i can't really get them on here while they are still semi-fresh in my mind. oh well you will all live i'm sure. but i'll see if i can't do a quit recap just to get you all caught up. So i've been through another guy already i'm sure this is no shock to any of you, the last one showed up again and well i've all ready decided he's out for good cause he's dumb. I have a few people i'd like to consider. *cough BUTTONS cough* Kate, Sara you know who I mean. he's a hottie. anyways.

Lately i've been out for supper twice. in the same weekend. got a sun burn, which will later turn to freckles and then nothing because I don't tan well. and met some new guys who are pretty freakin awesome. so thats basically what has been going on in my life, aside from the going to the bar n such but thats the same ol same ol, you go you drink you dance you hit on people you leave to go home possibly with some numbers possibly you don't go home you go somewhere else. (no i know what you are all thinking and no. lol ) but yeah. i've definatly been spending way to much money lately. that has to stop. i'm definatly going to try and save like a mo fo in the next coming months cause i have a lot of things planned and possibly no money to do it with.

so as it stands this is all i have on my plate so far...
- 3rd weekend in Aug possible trip to Edmonton.
-Sept long, definatly going to Sylvan Lake for a few days.
-End of March possible trip to mexico with the fam
-Begining of May. going to the Dom or somewhere with the Girls.

and all of that isn't including the very day spending that has to happpen. like gas, the cell, and everything like that.... oh boy i better get saving...

It's my life, It's now or never, I ain't gunna live forever!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A weekend not in a nut shell

What is up you all... I just have nothing better to do so i figured i would make a random update on my life in general. soooo basically since wednesday when I went to the Over Drive basically with Katie and Sara, and a bunch of Randi's friends. (man i miss that girl) met a couple guys there. Todd and Jesse... now mind you... Jesse turned out to be a real creeper... and I would know because well... he is. He really reminds me of this guy i've known basically all my life but only see like once in a blue moon now because well he's skeezey. (f.y.i. skeezey is my new word) anyways so we went to the Pat on saturday (Sara, Katie, and myself) and we met Jesse there thinking it would be a good time... not so much. he was pretty creepy i have to tell you. So it was a really good thing that Todd was there to with his brother Darren.

So basically it was a pretty good night, stayed till close and well just danced the night away. saw a bunch of people i knew there. People from elementary school who look like ass holes, but they always have been. and I found out a girl I work with at the Marriott works there at "The Dog Pound" can't miss her, really pretty, dresses really out there (prolly for the tips. honestly i saw her in a bottle cap dress one time... well she was wearing like a bathing suit under it but it was pretty cool) anyways really pretty, names Maggie... and if you still can't figure out who she is... she just happens to be black. but anyways a total sweet heart. but yes. after all of that goodness it was a good night.

So here you are all thinking Sunday would be the day of relaxation? nope. i cleaned my room because we are painting it right away so i've been slowly getting rid of all of my junk, and had supper with my grandparents. and then i got a suprising phone call from Todd. and that phone call led to us going to see the movie The Benchwarmers. lol freakin funny. i thought it would have it's moments but it was pretty good all n all.then from the movie it was off to the Fox n Hounds for Poppets birthday. stayed there for a while Todd got to meet most of my friends... well I was driving that night because i knew where he lived and he had no idea how to get to my house. lol anyways after that i took him home and then came home and crashed. it was pretty sweet night. and that was my weekend in a nut shell... well not really a nut shell but you get the idea.

Life's like an hour glass glued to the table

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Okay... So know how like every one has been feeling like they just need to get outta town. well shit son i definatly am! next weekend i'm kickin it down to calgary with... get this.. .MY MOM! hahah i love it. anyways we are going to go stay with some cousins of mine who are pretty gosh darn awesome! and prolly go on a pub crawl from what I know... i'm pretty pumped about that. fuckin pub crawl in calgary. it's going to rock my socks.... cept the prices for booze are rediculous... oh well. i'll just all the little boys to buy them :D. lol

but seriously i'm like booked for the next 2 weekends solid. so this is how it looks so far.
This friday - My mom had mentioned something about going to the Pirates of the Carabien 2... which i'm totaly down for!
This Saturday - A guy i work with is having a BBQ for people at work. basically all of the people who were in the training classes at the same time. which should be one hell of a time cause those people are freakin awesome!
This Sunday - I'm pretty gosh darn sure that me Sara and a random Jesse we met at the OD are going for breakfast... it was random and better damn well happen.

okay so that sums up this weekend coming up... Time for next weekend...
Friday - going to work, seeing if i can kick off early, then bookin it down to Calgary!
Saturday - i'm definatly IN calgary, there will be some sort of shopping involved, then prolly the pub crawl.
Sunday - possible hang over... but seeing as how this IS me we are talking about.... but even still, it's time to pack up and go home. *sigh* but yes.

so those are my next two weekends. i'm pretty excited about them both. but since i do work monday to friday for the next few weeks and like from 9:30 to 6 i can do basically whatever i want... and i definatly love it to bits!!

I know I'll settle down one day... Till then I like it this way!

Crank it into Over drive!!

Alllrighty! so last night was definatly orgasmic to say the least. it started off after work where i booked it over to Katies so we could go get ready for her Vodka party at the over drive. then after we made ourselfs all fabulous n such we just kinda drove around calling people to come and what not. then after grabbing some food (cause we all know you can't drink on an empty stomac!) we went to the OD. naturally we were the first people there... but thats okay. NO COVER CHARGE!! WHOOO! lol. yep so then more ppl started to show up and i attacked Sara and Randi. then the night really began.

so we were all standing outside just doin what we do. and Randi decided she wanted to call ppl on my cell. so she did... i think i total she called like 6 or 7 people and told them to come to the OD. man that was hilarious. people i have in my phone but don't talk to... yeah she called them. lol so while she was doing that i was talking with the Hot dog guy.... Charlie (His real name sure is Sean) any ways, after the cell phone fun we all went inside and were dancing n what not. definatly got my grove on all night with a cutie Todd. so then of course we had to take a break. and who shows up?! another guy that works there... Jessie. i'm not to sure how the whole thing came about... maybe Sara does... But apparently we are going for breakfast with him on sunday morning. so as we were exchanging phone numbers i stole his and put my number in it... he apparently trusted us to walk away while we had his cell. besides. who steals a cell phone from a guy you actually want to call you. honesly!? shesh. lol anyways so then after more dancing and just a tad more drinking. it was finally time to come home.

so after dropping off katie and sara i came home and crashed... only to be woken up at exactly 3:48 AM! by who you ask? non other than Jessie. yeah. he decided to send me a text message. but it only half woke me up. cause i don't remember shutting off the sound last night. but i did. so i guess i didn't actually get the text till about 7:30 this morning. when my dad woke me up. damn that man is loud. but any who. 2 phone numbers, and a lot of fun later. that night was definatly needed.

Come on, baby. I want to party!