Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Um... ya.

Okay... I know it's been a while guys but it'll be better soon. I promise. So onto the big big news. I am going back to school in the fall. I know. It's a shocker, and it's true. I was accepted into SIAST for the Hotel and Restaruant Managemant course. I'm pretty much in shock still.
Other than that it's been pretty tame, I'm still going out with Morgan (it's a grand total of 3 months now) I'm still working at marriott. I moved in with Curtis and Tam, just to move out right away because of school.
Thats really all I have. I just figured out all deserved a bit of an update since it's been so freakin long. Honestly I kinda miss living at home... The fixed rent, the free food, the laundry being done all the time at the same time, I'm going to miss living on my own when that time comes. But I think having money before school comes first. So naturally I think i'm going to be moving home within the next month or so. At least i'll still have my TV to keep me company. ;)
Other than that I think that I miss you guys. I've seen Sara more than any one. So I think I need to start making some phone calls. I miss you Kate, and even Alexander even though I randomly saw him while Morgan and I were out for supper. That and I wanna see Kate's new addition! You'll be glad to know that since i've been living with the two at Tam's I affectionatly call little terds, I'm not so alergic!!
thats it thats all. get the f*** out my house.

1 comment:

Kate said...

aw you totally already came and saw my kitty! lol