Thursday, April 26, 2007

Undeniable luck

Sitting at work, watching movies, texting so i don't get bored. That was the beginning of my day. Then standing around talking to the representatives who came in from the Orange County area talking about the cool things that are down there. They are all pretty cool, making random jokes about the things in the area.

The best part of having people come in from out of town, is the things that they bring with them. Usually it's only something from around the area. Chocolate, wine, things of that nature. I guess the wonderful people from the O.C. have electronics in their area. ha. xbox 360, playstation 2's, DVD players, a 32" TV with built in dvd player, and my new baby... a 37" LCD flat screen tv...

Honestly I couldn't sit still, I walked around the rest of my day which was about 20 at work with this giant smile on my face, and i couldn't stand still. call it undeniable luck, good karma whatever you wish. I call it awesome. Those are the days to remember, those are the days that people should live for, and cherish.

Mind you it'll just become a part of my every day life style, and eventually forget how i got it... but until that happens... that tv is... AWESOME!!

They slap you like a bitch and you take it like a whore

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Behavioral issues.

Okay. I'm going to make this short because I need to go to bed soon. Mostly about people and the way they are around certain people. In social settings if you don't like some one you just don't talk to them, or you say something like "hi" and your done? Then the rest of the people go out of their way to avoid you at the cost of some one else. The middle man. I've been the middle man, most of you have been the middle man. So why do we need this person?

This person is a mutual friend of two people who aren't friends. Now most of the time it's cool and you all just go out and not really socalise with the person you don't like. So why is it that it's the middle man's job to keep the peace?

Now some of you know what i'm talking about because of what happened this weekend. For thsoe of you who don't i'm not going to go into detail because thats definatly not how i roll. (and yes i did just say "thats how I roll) But personally I have no problem with the other person, but I have a problem with them being around I can't see my friends. Sure they are leaving in a few days but why can't we all just get along till that happens and go our seperate ways after?

I guess the main thing I don't understand about the whole issue is why some people are the way they are. I know i'm asking a lot here but really. Just because you don't like some one, and granted there are times when really that dislike is more of a strong dislike of even a hate, but for the times it's not can't you just suck it up and get over it for a night, or a few hours? Does everything have to be that way?

I dunno thats just the way I am....

It's a wednesday.

Okay... since Kate went on a little bit of a rant about how no one updates... Ya that's ever so true. I will admit to well not updating as much as I used to. In part because we didn't have a computer here for a while, then I went to calgary, then to vegas, and now I'm working a later shift. Well it's time to get back into the groove even though hardly any one reads mine. oh well...

wait, wait! I hear people wanting something... MEEEE!!!!

Happy feet was a typical disney movie. Started off slow with the story line, then got into the funny stuff in the middle with the tap dancing penguin. mostly I just liked it because the midget penguins were pretty damned funny.

Now to address the weekend issue... This weekend was full of a few twists. Friday Sara and I went to the Scuz. Then oddly enough ran into nailpolish and his friends and ultimately went to DIVA'S. Okay so it's not all that I thought it was. It's more of a traditional club, everything is a remix, there are only a few gay pride banners at the roof, and every one dances. To sum it up in a word... Awesome. Now would I ever go there just by myself? No.

Moving on to saturday. Katie and I went on a pub crawl which was the Blue Balls Crawl, then later got re-named the Shitty Ass Bar pub crawl. It started at Ryle's, then to the OD, and finally to Jaxx. When I got back to the Pat where it started some guy I named JT (because he reminded me of Justin Timberlake) kept hitting on me so I peaced out after telling him I was going to the washroom.

Sunday I went over to my Grandparents it being Easter Sunday and all, then Nickel and I came back to my place and we watched a movie. That was basically the entire night. Hanging out with my cousin and a little later Morgan.

I found the light in the tunnel at the end...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there...

Okay well my trip to Las Vegas has definately come and gone. To sum up that trip. Fairly awesome. It definately reach orgasmic experience standards but that was just because I couldn't drink... or well drink. I don't really care to gamble.

Other than that it was fantastic. A lot of walking mind you but thats okay. I saw some pretty fantastic things. You all know that I like things that sparkle and shine, and that is that city is all about. On the first few days it was walking around and shopping. Which I am perfectly alright with.
After that we went to Mesquite. Which really kinda sucked ass. The age in that place was either 80, 50, or 12. Mind you there were maybe 10 people in that entire place (not including staff) that wasn't that age. So me and my cousins sat in the hot tub, and ate candy. This was while the parental units were gambling or drinking their faces off. Mind you D-wayne did offer to buy me booze. I was already tired by then.

Finally the end of the trip we had to go back through Las Vegas to the airport, and on the way through D-wayne and I stopped at New York New York and went on the rollercoaster. That rocked my socks. Mainly because the people behind us were celebrating a graduation, and at the top of one part the lady yelled out "I JUST PISSED MYSELF!" finniest thing of the entire trip.

While we were going through the airport security I made the metal detector go off. So rather than have to stand there and take all of the bobbie pins out of my hair, because I had it pinned up, I just opted to be wanded... and let me tell you. The big black woman with the rubber gloves is suprisingly gentle.

Other than that nothing has really happened since I've been home. Juno weekend came and went, and I finally went to see TMNT. I loved it. Mainly because i'm a huge turtle fan. So some of you may not like it nearly as much, but what can you do.

Oh and for every one who is a little freaked out by turning 20 some time this year... It's not a big thing. Well at least for me it wasn't. I don't want to say that some of you won't take it worse than me but honestly it's just a birthday. Take a few deep breaths when your day comes. If that fails. Just celebrate your 19th birthday twice and go straight to 21. Thats when your legal in every part of the world.

Circle, circle. Dot, dot. I got my cootie shot! (uh huh)