Sunday, August 20, 2006

Rave to Rant...

Okay... So i know it's been a while but i've kinda been buzy-ish, and well my computer went down again. but i figure it's time for an update on the weekend at least...

So Thursday was the Branch and it was amazing, with the dancing and everything. I was just glad to get out with everyone. Mia, Sara, Kate! It was just an all around good time. considering the night before Sara, and myself went to the OD cause we won a Vodka party. and definatly danced the night away. as per usual. Friday was definatly a Pub Crawl. and now we have taken Sara's virginity for that. it was a good time. we even got pulled over buy the cops and i ripped a pair of pants for the second time in like 2 weeks. I need to stop doing that. lol and each time I was dancing... I'm hard core i guess!

then after the pub crawl i called Morgan and he came over even tho i was all drunk n such. but it was pretty good. I bascially fell asleep laying on him... i guess i snore? but then again so does he. HA! anyways. yeah then last night cause i was bored and alone all freaking day, that and he was drunk and i didn't feel like having him drive over to my house like that, ANYWAYS! we watched Chicken Little. gosh I love that movie. lol well actually I just love "Fish out of water" funniest thing of my life! but yeah... I'm going to switch from weekend re cap to rant.

Okay so here's the deal. as some of you may know I'm seeing Morgan... and I like him i do. and here's the but. well actually there are a few. so here goes. he's... i don't know how to explain it... i almost want to say immature. i know, i know... you should expect that but only to a point. if i'm sitting there and you start with the baby talk... i get a little weirded out. and thats only part of it. i really don't know. he just seems kinda clingy to. the boy sent me like 6 text messages while i was outside for 45min... but i haven't even been seeing him for a week and he's already like that? i like that he wants to talk to me but come on... i don't need an update each time you do something different.

i suppose thats why i'm in not such a good mood right now. i just kinda realized this... then i do what i always do when i'm home alone and need to just not be and think. i went driving. went over it all in my head. i like him i do... i just don't know if it's going to work. BUT! i'm not going to just drop it like it's hot. i'll hold off... see if things get better worse or stay the same. and i'm not sure if i want to say anything to him about it. cause if that's who he is... then thats who he will always be. *sigh*.

Is it all just an illusion?...

1 comment:

Kate said...

it's true. guys are all immature. (sorry, but prove me wrong) i'd say tell him you don't like the baby talk because it's wierd. that one's fairly simple. i'd be wierded out too. as for overall? i think you're right in the giving it time and seeing what happens. but i'd work on the baby talk. i'm not sure why guys think it's cute. that and really wierd noises. also not cute.