Sunday, May 28, 2006

What a night...

Allll righty then so last night was definatly killer! lol started drinking around 7pm and then i only got drunker. lol in total there was only like 6 people at my house. Sara, Carter, Raegan, Will, Jordan, Alexander and myself were the main people. well... and Brent to when he came home. lol but he doesn't count. ANYWAYS! so there was dancing, and swinging, and just random drunken ness. i loved it. defiantly missed that.

so naturally i had be planning on becoming single that night, so i asked my life advisor...Sara. lol what the best thing to say would be... naturally she came up with something amazing. the whole phone call lasted about 2 min... and after it was done i was just that kinda drunk and happy about it... i jumped up and mounted/hugged Carter... lol

some where in the night we went for a walk. Me, Sara, Raegan, and Will. Later joined by Carter! lol there was "flashing" cars, peeing in bushes we were showin each other some love and well just random conversation! definatly an amazing time.

then after the walk Jordan, and Alexander came back and brought non other than JACKIE!! it was great! lol but by then Brent was in bed and most of us were rediculously drunk. giggidy? where was Kate in all of this you ask? lol she was passed out on a couch somewhere... we called her earlier in the night. oh well. Kate needed her sleep! that happens.

anyways you know it's really funny when your making out with some one... lol well it's really akward and emabarassing when your BROTHER catches you... thats right. but well i heard him coming and tried to put my shirt back on but i wasn't fast enough... damn drunkness... lol apparently he saw us making out on the couch before we moved to. so wrong. Mel his g/f was a definate supporter of me doing what i want. lol as long as there was no sex. which there wasn't so she was like well... was he hot? i love that girl. she was drunk to!

anyways. the next morning was hell. after every one went home i cleaned up the house which really was suprisingly clean and went to bed at like 3am. anways this morning at like 9am was definatly waaaay to early. usually i can sleep in and don't get hung over... well... i forgot how much they suck. cause i had one this morning. i was gone by the time i had to work at 11 but still... lol the people at work were making fun of me for it. wankers! oh well. it was a slow day and could just sit there and read and do nothing really. GLORIOUS!

I drink more than you... party hard than you do... and my car's faster than yours to!


Kate said...

Aww I'm so sad I wasn't there. But I fell asleep at 8pm. CALL ME BEOTCH! I need more details!

startsky said...

yes kate was dead..
and i phoned her 8 billion times.
hahah awesome..
no poopies anymore

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!